"They’ll go to those parties—have the lights down low—only those parties where women can go." This piece about lesbians in 1920s Harlem is a great read.
"They’ll go to those parties—have the lights down low—only those parties where women can go." This piece about lesbians in 1920s Harlem is a great read.
I know this adds nothing to the discussion, but I fucking hate "Family Guy." I know Seth McFarlane thinks he's being sooo outrageous, but he is just a mysogynistic pig.
I just don't understand why more games don't go the Elder Scrolls route, or the Bioware route, where you can choose to be a male or female character, with minimal effect on the storyline or game play. Problem solved.
Yes. This campaign isn't about Zodiac serial stranger-rapists, it's about bros being assholes at the bar. And it's about changing the sea in which these guys swim, which exists only because their behaviour is tolerated by the (mostly) men around them.
Since I'm generally pretty aware of the way the "look like a model" thing seems to be a prerequisite to everything, I noticed immediately how nice it was that they didn't look like models at all. They look normal.
GQ? What the what what? Go to the link, these fellows look nothing like models. Pretty real looking dudes to me.
Well, they're not asking anyone to step in and hit somebody committing a crime, it's about telling other people (in the case of the ads, people in their social circle) when they're being inappropriate.
these ads aren't asking you to step in and stop a violent crime-in-progress alone, with your bare hands. they're just saying we can all speak up when somebody's being a douchebag, instead of condoning that behavior with silence.
Also, your GF might want some say in whether or not you plan to make her your wife.
These dudes don't look like models. They look like regular blokes.
This is way too idealistic of a comment. As much as I wish this is would happen I fear it's more likely that something like BARELY LEGAL BACKDOOR LESBIAN SLUTS 3456 will get funded.
I've been craving sushi for weeks and I almost caved at Lunds while walking past the sushi display... I may give in and yet these stories horrify me. I've had one miscarriage (that I convinced myself was due to my inability to quit smoking) so this pregnancy I'm a fucking nazi with myself.
Man, I would not want to be a thin woman who reads about how I'm not a real human on a constant basis. Must suck.
The only Brooklyn girl that mattered.
You didn't answer my questions. Projection has nothing to do with this.
Who cares? With a baiting opener like that, I'd be willing to bet it's classic MRA bullshit. I just want to know for sure.
My dad interviewed him once. When he found out that my dad had recently had a baby (my older brother), he sent him a silver baby rattle. Dustin Hoffman is a beautiful person.
In an AFI interview from late 2012 that’s just starting to gain some traction now, in the summer doldrums, Dustin…
Ugh! That doesn't even START to cover the cost of the baby shower! Don't they know that it costs like 10,000 per plate??
yeah you really should have.