I wonder how much those shoes cost?
I wonder how much those shoes cost?
Actually, it is possible for them to have biological offspring, if they can find a scientist with the relevant knowledge and a lab who is not too concerned with ethics boards and whatnot. Scientists have bred healthy rats from two eggs and two sperm, so they had either two female parents or two male parents. At…
There was one just the other day, but I don't remember enough details to search for it. It was one of those hipsters that Jezebel hates because she's younger and landed the Jezebel writers' dream job. Anyway, she mentioned she doesn't eat much, so they've written at least two articles about her, relishing in that…
If she's dead, why is he harping on about his dating life BEFORE he met her? Why is that even remotely interesting to his kids? If I had kids and their other parent was dead, I would tell them stories about that parent, not all the random ppl I slept with before I met that person.
Have three stories and ONLY three stories. Not knowing when to shut up and let someone else get a word in edgewise is just as bad for your social life as being a wallflower. No one notices the latter, but no one likes the former.
Not really. In movies and on TV, ppl barely lose their balance when they are punched in the face, maybe they cut their lip a little but they keep fighting. In reality, if someone clocks you, you're out. One good punch is enough to knock out teeth, make the face swell up and even put a person in a coma. Years ago, I…
So what if she has a PhD? Do you think a PhD is like a vaccine against believing in bullshit? Because it really, really, really doesn't. I work in academia. Ppl with PhDs are less susceptible to unscientific nonsense than the average person, but they are not immune. I've met ppl with advanced degrees in science who…
I'm a impressed by her PR-ppl, they really nailed it with J-Law. The timing is perfect too.
Because it makes her look goofy and fun and endearing. Everyone hates the stuck up diva, we're sick to death of perfect starlets and nothing is more charming than someone who can laugh at themselves. It takes her off the pedestal and make her seem approachable. It's in line with all the "your BFF J-Law"-crap that…
But she's not shallow, there are lots of stories about her being smart and how she was in the gifted programme when she was in school, etc
"Homeopathic", "toxins"? And does it also chase away body thetans and align your chakras when saturn is in retrograde?
She's the Rumer Willis of the mid 2010's
Relevant article from io9.com:
Statistics professor challenges midwives' math on home birth safety
God is not a good role model. Short-tempered, petty, needy, manipulative, abusive, demanding and a shitty dad to his illegitimate son.
I know it's the wrong season, but have you seen them with Mariah doing "All I want for Christmas"? It makes me so happy!!!
I know she's not a huge mega-star, but I still think Christine Baranski should host the Oscars. I just have a feeling she'd be the perfect host. And she can sing and dance.
I've seen Kristin Chenowitz's dress on someone else...
How much do you know about how trans ppl presented in the mid to late 80ies? Because even straight cis men and women were a LOT different 30 years ago, if you weren't an adult in the 80ies, it can be difficult to fully grasp how much and how special that particular decade was. And I'm sure that if someone made a movie…
Of course she did. That's her thing that she does
Wait, SHE hopes the sanctuary will show compassion and care for his proper development?! That's rich