
You missed the point. It's supposed to be a show with two characters who start of NOT being a couple, who are NOT in love, but there is chemistry between them and that makes the show interesting to watch. There are a few seasons of innuendo, furtive glances, misunderstandings, missed opportunities, bad timing and

Some brands have smaller pills /capsules for when you go off them. I took 225 mg effexor and gradually decreased my dose over a period of two or three months. The last capsule was just 12.5 mg, not enough to have any effect at all, except to relieve withdrawal symptoms (the recommended minimum dose is 75 mg).

He was probably taking anti-anxiety meds like Xanax or similar.

Guess no one told Bill Gates


"Lucifer" as a latin adjective means roughly "light-bringing" (lux - light in latin) but it's most commonly translated as "the morning star" in various bible versions. The name "Lucifer" occurs once in the old testament, but not as a name for the devil. It only became associated with the devil when confused ppl

Mixing lemon juice and baking soda is counterproductive. They will just neutralize each other and produce water with some salts in it. Yes, it fizzes, and that's fun to watch, but it doesn't do anything to clean anything. Acids are effective at getting out old-sweat-smell, but you'll probably need something stronger

Doesn't she also have a black son? Or did she return him?

What's up with the BFF in the first letter? After ten years of seeing each other twice a year, she still calls the LW her BFF? Either this is a desperately lonely person with very few friends, or someone is lying. Or both, the LW sounds like an asshole

It's ok as long as you keep it in the family

Can someone who knows these things create a Chrome extension that replaces "Muffley" with something else. Please? Just about anything else will do. Because that's the only way I can get through that piece.

I had gyno-surgery once, this is giving me flashbacks. The panties look like hospital panties with a hospital pad

Wasn't he married? Anyway, he's a scientologist so she's better off without him

I'm going to split my bet between Frank Sinatra and Conan O'Brien

Not even China works harder at discouraging ppl from having children

This should have been mentioned in the article. The original article in Tehran Times probably felt it was unnecessary since everyone who read it would get it, but I would assume that the average Jezebel reader isn't up to speed with middle-eastern political history.

No it didn't. Every animal grooms itself. I know museum exhibits like to portray neanderthals and neolithic people all dirty and unkempt, but that's wrong and feeds the notion of the savage caveman. Every animal grooms itself, even the most primitive life forms have methods of cleaning themselves and our closest

He's composing his next profound tweet

How many sold copies are that per month?

The Daily Mail? Seriously?