
Play the Grand Prize Game from the Bozo Show. When I was very little I used to practice that shit relentlessly in the back yard and at the beach (wind permitting) in the HIGHLY unlikely case that we would ever be in Chicago, that we would then attend a Bozo taping, and that I would get picked to play.

I just want a picture in Oscar the Grouch’s trash can.

Hey, why doncha stick it somewhere the crawdads don’t sing?!

It looks like a nice story but that’s the worst title since ‘Where the Crawdads Sing’ oof...

The double jeopardy clause of the Fifth Amendment provides, “[N]or shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb...” Jeopardy attaches when the jury is empaneled. Once the jury was sworn, any subsequent dismissal of the case had to be dismissed with prejudice as there was

With prejudice means the judge is one comment away from throwing their gavel at the prosecutors. It wasn’t just dismissed, it was *dismissed*

Insane case from start to finish, but I’m glad it’s finished. I’m not the world’s biggest Alec Baldwin fan or anything, but leaving it to an actor to ensure a gun is safe when 1) they’ve been told it’s safe and 2) there should never have been a safety concern in the first place is beyond ludicrous. It’s absolutely trag

However you feel about the outcome, the footage of Baldwin as the judge dismisses the case is genuinely moving.

Pretend you care harder.

No, it means that it cannot be refiled. I hope my sharing of knowledge helped.

I would argue it means the exact opposite. 

In New Mexico, the requirements to pass the Bar are just that you must complete at least three Phoenix Wright games, and I think even doing that much might have yielded better results

The thing is, most people probably don’t even do a cursory check on their condoms before using them, and checking them in a more than cursory manner might actually lower their effectiveness. Condoms have a 98% quoted efficacy rate, and I’d wager less than 10% of users do anything more than check the expiration date,

If I bring my car to my mechanic to get my brakes fixed and then I immediately run someone over because my brakes decidedly don’t work when I’m pulling out of the lot, am I supposed to stand trial for not checking over the work of the person I paid because they had the experience and qualifications for that thing?

If that were true, they sure would have tried to get to the bottom of how live rounds ended up on set in the first place, wouldn’t they? To date, the Santa Fe District Attorney’s office actually seems to be actively avoiding investigating that. You tell me if that sounds like people interested in truly finding the

That's cute if you think that.

I will remember your invaluable legal advice next time I shoot a gun at a condom.

“Surprise mystery witnesses! Each more surprising than the next!"

For those not familiar with trial procedure, judges have a wide range of sanctions available to them for attorney misconduct. This one is the equivalent of a nuclear strike.

Honestly the judge did them a favor. They were about to become a laughingstock as they tried to argue to a jury that an actor was supposed to second guess both an armorer and a set director who yelled, “cold gun”, and somehow determine, with his complete lack of knowledge about guns or ammunition, that the gun was not