
Katy Perry has this unique power of radiating utter blandness no matter how “outrageous”, “quirky” or “risquéher team tries to portray her.

I’m happy to be corrected if there are Perry fans around who can set me straight but it sure does *seem* to me like she enjoys a certain degree of pop “girl power” appeal that is in actuality mostly lip service. She *seems* like the kind of person who uses sex positivity as a cloak for indulging exactly the kind of

At some point a group of people making this video had to decide that when Katy refueled herself with gas, where exactly in her butt it would go. And in a strange choice didn’t pick the spot we all assumed they’d use.

Katy Perry tries so hard to be sexy that she actually veers back around to being staid.

She was one of cable TVs pioneers, and deserves a lot more admiration for producing Faery Tale Theater, Tall Tales and Legends, and others.  Goodbye Ms. Duvall.

 Faerie Tale Theatre is amazing. Holds up beautifully and each episode is uniquely designed and the acting (goes without saying) is perfect.

Shelley herself said the Kubrick thing was overblown and that she mostly enjoyed the experience of working with him. It was a tough shoot with some shitty moments but greatly exaggerated in its retellings.

Oh damn. My introduction to her was Faerie Tale Theatre, which my uncle recorded onto VHS for me. Such a talent.

I know her primarily from Faerie Tale Theatre.

It really was insane the current talent they brought on for a kids faerie tale series, and talent that was minor/unknown at the time that ended up being stars.

I, unapologetically, love Popeye and I love her in it.   This is a bummer.

She was the center of The Shining, a fantastic movie.

Dr. Phil is a monster.

Besides the obvious roles, her part as Steve Martin’s friend Roxanne always sticks in my head as a bit of trivia. At the time, I only knew her from Popeye, which I actually did love as a preteen, so it was cool to see her in something else.

Just had a birthday on Sunday. She also created Faerie Tale Theatre, which was pretty groundbreaking as one of the first original cable series. As we didn’t have premium cable when I was growing up, I only discovered it years later and holy crap does it feature some Hollywood heavyweights.

I recently rewatched The Shining and it’s so strange the discourse around her in it because her performance not only isn’t bad, it’s uniquely good. It’s honestly one of the most brutally realistic depictions of a woman in an abusive relationship. It’s interesting too because throughout the movie she’s legitimately

Damn... RIP.

There’s been so many different versions of that Shining story, and her memories of it are complicated, to say the least.

I think quite a few things are true:
1) That was an absolutely stunning performance, certainly the best in any King adaption (Fuck Kathy Bates’ Misery win. She wasn’t even the second best performance

This one makes me sad. What a unique talent. She’s amazing in Robert Altman’s “3 Women” too. R.I.P.

An icon of a bygone era an example of both the highs and lows of that Director-driven New Hollywood era. Her role in the Shining is iconic and traumatic, her role in Popeye is perfectly cast.