
WSJ just ranked us as the 3rd best public school and 30th overall. If that’s how far we fall than so be it. As far as employers, if they really don’t want to hire thousands of qualified candidates over an isolated incident that’s their prerogative. My experience with campus recruiting suggests that’s not the case.

In lieu of recent events at schools like Baylor and Penn State, academic fraud seems pretty minor.

You’re right about the second part. But the first part, I mean, I guess whatever helps you sleep at night.

Geez, enough of your pretentious moralizing. It’s not like she died in a Walmart. She’s under snow. He’s a professional climber. He searched for her, he knew the stakes and the window for how long she had to survive and be rescued. He probably searched until he could, but, knowing he was hours from help, even if he’d

 Yes. It is. Because he was rather obviously fucked up himself. what good does it do you to get some extra pound of flesh out of this dead guy? I really don’t understand moralizing here. But you do you.

This is the most dangerous conventional wisdom out there, and it’s very prevalent. The thing that’s scary is that it’s NOT all just those irrelevant people.

This honestly probably signals the death knell for the NFL as anything enjoyable to watch. Goodell and all his pizza-starved sycophants are going to fall all over themselves to try to regain that audience. And it will just mean more protest suppression, more military buy-ins and tie-ins, an even deeper conflation of

But the key difference is the Jets are only shitty for about half the year. And don’t have access to nukes.

Normally I’m okay with things that bring the NFL a step closer to self imploding, but...yeah, this is a terrifying amount of cult-of-personality worship going on.

I’m successfully well off. I own a home. I make enough that budgeting is easy. I also recognize that I live in a society, and that society helped me get where I am. Schools, roads, health care, law enforcement, unemployment insurance, etc. And since I belong to that society, I am comfortable paying into the system a

Taxes being raised on income below $418K is not giving up everything you worked so hard (debatable) for.

I would suggest that, if you think you are “(moderately) rich”, you are probably not the focus of HamNo’s ire, nor the target of the tax increases progressives propose. Even if you are being modest and you are actually in the top tax bracket (>$418k), you are extraordinarily well off and are in no danger of being

Atlanta has a great program going called Soccer in the Streets - they were able to put a field downtown at the major train station and run pick up games and what not during the week. They also fundraise around the city with soccer bars to get awareness out there. It’s slow, but it’s working.

Brazilians are pretty poor compared to our poor yet they produce a ton of players. In fact look at Latin America. It doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to play. This ain’t baseball. Heck soccer is year round in red ass Fuck Texas.

I’ve been reading a lot of points like this and it’s clear that people don’t get that a good youth system is in place. You think kids should play smaller side? Well now 4v4 is mandatory until u9 when 7v7 becomes mandatory. No big field until u13.

But, yeah, soccer is a very cerebral, subtle sport that is about flow, timing and intricate skills. It’s not for the brute-force competitors, or people who don’t appreciate other cultures.

This take is only half dumb. You are right that the reason soccer isn’t attracting the best here in the States is economic. My son plays club soccer for one of the best travel teams in the country. My wife and I easily drop $3000 to $4000 a year on equipment, tournament fees, referee fees, registration fees, travel

Please don’t do the “this society” thing, as if the U.S. is particularly worse than anywhere else on this shit planet. It’s every society. We’re not special. Some put football players on a pedestal, some put soccer players there. Hell, some put sumo wrestlers there. It’s more a matter of taste and geography than some

Let me add that the LAFC kids were incredible. Athletic, but also very techinical, brave and stringing passes. I thought I was in another country. I was told by a parent that LAFC and the Galaxy have coaches that just drive around southern CA looking for the best athletes and players and try to scoop them up. LAFC had

When I was six I played a season of tee-ball and did ok. Then I played a season of soccer and never looked back.