
Mar a Lago is mush city. I first noticed that was the case when some menu from an event there last year was online (maybe Thanksgiving?). There were, I’m not kidding, three different kinds of vegetable mousse and two purees. You might as well serve it in a hog trough.

So much fucking puree. This is the dinner menu at a high end nursing home.

I just need him to be good one more week in my fantasy league.

After losing Rogers, then Wentz, then Rogers again, Bortles was the best guy still available.

Yeah, college-educated white voters were part of the “no molestor” coalition. No way they stick around if Jones pulls a normal Republican opponent, and by that I mean one who only molests adult women.

Black folk won this race. And brown folks are going to win Texas and Arizona. I wouldn’t have believed it a month ago

The secret to perfect potato pancakes is not a $15 can of spices (which is probably mostly flour and garlic powder anyway), it is the giant bag of flash-frozen country-style hashbrowns. Grating your own potatoes is the literal worst.

On the plus side you might be able to pick Rodgers up again. Full circle and all.

Trent Franks is gone. Blake Farenthold is on the ropes. People are legitimately talking about how much of a moral vacuum Republicans are.

Roy Moore is barely holding on in one of the most conservative states in country. If he wins he wins because it’s fucking Alabama, not because the Democrats finally deciding to have

How do you know it’s not working? I don’t recall a movement like this in the past.

There’s a reason I’m not a Republican, and at it’s core it’s because I don’t want to act like Republicans when it comes to this shit. I think Democrats should be ruthless and uncompromising, not fight dirty. Those are different things.

There’s nothing knee-jerk about believing the experiences of seven women.

And I don’t think it’s that complicated. Franken was a good Senator and he is a decent human. If he wasn’t he wouldn’t be stepping down.

It’s sad and frustrating to see how he wasted this opportunity. But I’d rather be part of party that is kicking out harassers than the party that is electing them.

Did you miss the part where I said this isn’t about what Republicans do but it’s about what we do?

He’s not getting a professional death sentence. He’s just not going to be a Senator anymore. He’s a wealthy, successful, smart guy. He’ll be fine.

It’ll probably be a she, for starters. That’s kind of the point.

Liberals are not being spineless jellyfish with Franken though.

If we want to be a party that doesn’t compromise on important issues, we need to start walking that walk.

I think we’re doing the “right thing” because it’s literally the *right thing*.

This isn’t complicated. Republicans are moral vacuums. That’s not news. But we’re not doing this for them, we’re doing it for *us*.

Franken isn’t resigning because we expect to get something from Republicans. He’s resigning because, despite being an effective Senator, he’s a bit of a shithead.

If we want to make the case that the left has no tolerance for that kind of bullshit, then we sort of need to have no tolerance for that kind of bullshit.

Just for the record, there is no one defending Bill Clinton. And there is absolutely no way a candidate like Bill Clinton wins a Democratic primary in the 21st Century.

I wonder how often Dennis Smith Jr wakes up in a cold sweat having had yet another nightmare about Derrick Rose’s career.

Very good.

The Keurig is great for people who like to drink terrible coffee brewed in melting plastic that costs $30 a pound.