So much fucking puree. This is the dinner menu at a high end nursing home.
So much fucking puree. This is the dinner menu at a high end nursing home.
Now that you mention it, there’s a lot of mush on that menu.
It’s a really awkward, unfortunate length. Kind of like her marriage.
I feel like this is maybe one of those things were Europeans don’t have the self awareness like Americans do that blackface is wildly inappropriate today. I’m not excusing it, but clearly no one was around to tell him why this might not be the greatest idea. Don’t they still have a holiday/celebration in the…
Old rich white guy is racist and sexist? I am shocked, shocked I say!
Because ”responsibly” has been the missing ingredient up to this point.
I didn’t imply that you were dumb, although I’m starting to wonder. I just clearly said it’s nice that you don’t make simple mistakes and die everyday, and that whatever you do for Work/leisure probably doesn’t involve things football players spend a lifetime learning how to do safely. Where in there did you get that…
Or we could, as a country, stop exploiting African American communities.
Maybe start providing better education to lower socio economic areas, stop passing legislation that silences voters (See: ID LAWS), and stop arresting African American’s at a disproportionate rate to whites for the same crimes?!
And I think the Democrats already have enough problems from taking the same corporate money as the Republicans, without acting more like them. It’s a slippery slope: how much can you copy Republicans before you simply are one?
Wait, we’re supposed to be scared of Tim Pawlenty or Michele Bachmann? One of whom never got more than 47% in a statewide election, has the charisma of a tree stump and fucked the end of his second term up so it would make him a favorite to win the GOP nomination in 2012, the other of whom could barely get reelected…
I’m not saying I entirely disagree with you, but it feels like if your position is that we should back any liberal, regardless of their moral transgressions, then the only thing making us different than the GOP is the fact that we haven’t found any liberal child molesters to stand for office yet. Is that where this…
Admittedly everyone who had statewide ambitions seemed to already be focused on the open gubernatorial seat. But anyone who decided that field was too crowded (not to mention anyone who’d rather be in DC than St Paul) now has another chance. Since 2010, there’s been a cap on how high any Dem in Minnesota can go. With…
Neither does Franken, though. Dude’s approval rating is at Trump levels in Minnesota. This has killed his credibility, both with his colleagues and his voters.
I mean, I voted for Franken twice, always been a fan, read his Limbaugh book when I was younger and was extremely proud that he was my senator and always tried to make himself available to his constituents, even in off-years.
Principles are the only thing a person has to die for. If you don’t have principles what the fuck are you fighting for? And if you don’t have them, what makes you different from your opponents? WTF. Franken shouldn’t be in the senate and neither should Moore. Nothing about that is mutually exclusive. Franken will be…
Jesus Christ some people are dense, calling out Democrats on their bullshit isn’t equating the two. This is the problem with the Democrats, you can’t call them on their hypocrisy without them crying about the Republicans. How about clean your own room first. Just because it might not be as dirty as the other guys…
If you don’t care about doing the right thing when it’s politically inconvenient, you don’t care about doing the right thing. You do the right thing because it is the right thing.
Wrong is wrong. It’s not really about being better than them. It’s about doing the right thing.
Vote. Fucking vote. You have to fucking vote.