I give them credit for completely ignoring how nuclear bombs work and making the world more like Annihilation and less like the World On Fire it actually would be.
I give them credit for completely ignoring how nuclear bombs work and making the world more like Annihilation and less like the World On Fire it actually would be.
But there’s a problem. It’s 2018 and I don’t need or particularly want media to humanize Nazis. I acknowledge that history is complex, and I’m glad that Battlefield treats it that way. But The Last Tiger’s extraordinary production value is hell-bent on telling the tale of “the Good German” while glossing over the…
Hopefully you don’t live in a state with strict tint laws...
Woah woah woah! BFV owns. It’s got a few bugs that will probably be fixed soon enough, and not really more than the average game these days. It’s honestly the most fun I have had with a Battlefield game since BC2.
Probably has something to do with the fact that they turned a $60 game into a $140 one with 3 expansions. Who fuckin thought that would work again?
If you finished it 2 years ago, you clearly haven’t finished it. There’s been like 17 DLC packs released since then. Pay up!
I read that as “Giant Mate” and have no regrets.
Yup. Headrests were the giveaway for me immediately.
That there’s a first gen CR-V.
Because when your 2015 Pathfinder is shuddering like an out-of-control blender at low speeds, and it takes a year for the manufacturer to figure out what to replace despite many trips to the dealer, you sort of get worried about the long-term reliability.
but wheres the profit in that?
Like I said, stance is hard to pin down, but it looks real good.
Because stupidity
3 spoke wheels will never look nice.
Point of order: pop-up lights are not obsolete, just illegal.
If the car is free, then theoretically nobody is gonna mind if I nuke it from orbit. At least that way I’ll be sure I got all the hellspawn.
Nah. The original owner is probably a dry husk inside of that thing.
They are being paid to be offended. It is manufactured outrage. Sane people don’t give a shit about this.
Yet another “why is this even an article on Kotaku?” moment.
I don’t post notes like this in Soulsborne games, nor do I find them funny... however, getting tilted enough to make a 2 page dissertation on the matter is fucking ludicrous. Go outside. Lighten up. Do literally anything else with your life.