
what im saying is they dont plan to go to PSA and ask Opel for the 2020 model.

ofc, they dont own opel anymore, it would be weird if they kept rebadging their models.


but no one told me cars had two sides.

but i dont want to wait until im dead for them to do the right thing.

that excuse sucks, like the blackwater job.

i think its the opposite, rockstar wants you to be a dick and then reset the honor with gold to prevent the penalties.

good will?

how many times can they re-sell skyrim?

yeah and free roam rush should be an e-sport category...

nothing, just disinformation.

i didnt watch the race but its hardly a surprise ham winning it.

now? it has always been a poor neighborhood pastime(at least in my country) kids go trow stones, and then one is brilliant enough to pick a bigger rock and shit happens.

for the average urus driver its a dusty road at best...

none, i honestly doubt anyone would choose Odissey over RDR.

Its just nice words, Spain doesnt produce to meet the demand of electricity right now, good luck when electric cars are more popular and you will be forced to close all the aging nuclear plants.

yep, gang ambushes when you arent used to use the deadeye are a pain in the ass.

well, that crappy red and the shitty rims does the job compared to the clean white and the watanabes...

starfield, another generic name with no gameplay to put a face on it.

Suuure, full AAA release and the content doesnt even last 3 months? wow, then Dice is doing something wrong with BFV if they want to give content for free for the next 2 years or so.