
That’s what I was saying. You’re not getting much farther off-road than a Civic with that level of clearance... or lack thereof.

I can photoshop my Civic into the same “scenarios...” For the love of everything good, we all know this monstrosity and my Civic have the same ground clearance. I scoff at their use of the term “SUV.”

Maybe unpopular but, my take is, pay taxes and stay (plus, keep all benefits that go along with paying taxes) or leave. I’m guessing our laws are pretty lenient as is... does anyone have experience trying to gain status in a different country? How do our deportation laws stack up in the world?

The roof looks like it has three sections that detach from the body instead of two panels plus the full cab with rear window.

Anyone involved in an accident should be required, by law, to surrender their phone and password (don’t worry, you can change it later). If it’s determined by a court that the at-fault driver was texting and driving or otherwise distracted by their phone, it should carry a mandatory minimum sentence of two years in

Articles like this probably increase panic buying too.

No matter my circumstance, I’m NOT buying a car damaged by natural disasters if they’re only offering $500 discounts. Good luck selling that crap!

The article makes it sound like heroes were en route to build some damns and whatever else flood protections but that darned President enacted his evil rollback, somehow forcing the build crew to stop. This, ultimately led to Harvey devastating homes. I get it, rolling back protections, bad... but the article reeks of

Can we sue them over this?

Crap. I never got an alert from amazon. I seriously hope Nintendo over produces this thing to screw over frickin eBay scalpers. Frickin scum of the earth.

It’s dealer markup. Build a wrangler sport online and you can have one for about $26k. Find the same car on a lot and it’s $32k.

I bought a 2dr 2017 wrangler sport with power accessories. I will never lift it... in fact, I’ll probably only put different wheels on it... or I might not. I bought it because it has selectable 4wd without being a huge truck and because the top comes off. I don’t take it off road and don’t care if people say I’m

At the time of posting of this comment, the OLDEST Millennial was: 17 years, 7 months, and 19 days old. Stop flailing the term around to describe a group of people based on terms you like. “Born on or after the turn of the millennium.” This is the ONLY definition you need. If you dislike “hipsters,” understand that

It’s expensive when you consider you could buy a GTI or hotter hatch for the price. Also, people aren’t buying non-hot hatches right now. Also, it looks cheap for what you get no matter the performance. People aren’t gonna shell out $30K - $40K for a ho-hum econobox even if the technology inside makes it better than a

Show me, where, ANY version of a new Wrangler exists on a dealer lot for $24K.

Do you really believe the new Bronco will be anything other than a smaller Explorer with maybe a .5" lift?

Image. Manufacturers can’t sell minivans to

Get cut off by a soccer mom in a Trax, did we?

Or remove fast people from the road.

Welcome home! Now, slow down.