
No, stand strong against this OBVIOUS tactic. They will change it back once enough people fall for the bait and lock you out of characters they originally promised you’d have free... it’s an online game meaning you don’t own anything and EA has already proven its untrustworthiness.

Even THIS is a ploy to get the game to sell. It’s been on sale for $27.99 on PS4 for weeks. As soon as sales meet expectations, they will modify the game to wrench money out of the player base. Please do not fall for this tactic. Stand strong, let EA fail, and wait for Disney to license the property to a company less

“Anonymity is the hand that pulls the veil away from the truth of humanity.” -Me

Outside of the US Marine Corps, military folks don’t really get much training or time with guns. In the Air Force, members only shoot about once every 2 years and the “training” is 4 hours in a class discussing the golden rules of guns and arguing about the weight of a M4. Then they shoot about 100 rounds at a paper

How much human behavior/emotion do you want banned before you are happy? How about Parents take a more active role in teaching their own children how to treat other human beings so that we don’t have to have rules for every possible outcome?

Except for the people with the very real possibility of dying in their work place, at a concert, in a club, on the street, etc.

Sadly, as noble as their cause would be, anyone who’s been alive for minute knows that maybe only 10% of these kids actually care, 20% are there because a guy/girl they like are going, and the remaining 70% just want time out of their classes, regardless of the issue.

Can you please stop with the content breaking ads? It’s not tablet friendly and makes the site experience poor.

This article has too many advertisements, is essentially paginated, and doesn’t play well with an iPad. This was supposed to post in the top 15 PS4 games but an effort to scroll past the memory lossy page had me comment here. Oops.

Of course... I had just bought it over the holidays when it was like $5. I want those $5 back. The game isn’t nearly entertaining enough to warrant its level of difficulty.

I’m pretty sure most companies have a policy that makes it wrongful to disclose the salaries of employees. I’m guessing the document, that the two women are looking at has TONS of personally identifiable information, the disclosure of which, IS a federal crime.

Is anyone here really okay with the government tracking all the cars? How easy will that system be to hack? Who pays to retrofit old cars? This is a colossally bad idea. Flat mileage tax or record it at the DMV with registration.

For anyone who would claim “oh, this is the SoM for our age and the sights and sounds appeal to us more, besides, it’s the story that matters...” doesn’t understand that SoM’s story wasn’t that great and it was the pixelly, 16-bit charm that made it good.

Your selfie may be ruining your love life. FTFY

CTF sucks. Almost every game is a 3-0 steamroll in one direction or the other. All the smurfs came back out to harass the new and intermediate players too.

I’m not paying $15 for the privilege of frustrating touch controls in a tablet platforming game.

This mostly applies to Torb players who set a turret in same spot consistently. It’s pretty easy to get a turret into a new tight spot and upgraded to lvl 2 between enemy waves.

Attack Torb ftw. Nothing draws an event team’s attention like a well-placed turret.

I beg to differ. I have been pretty successful with Torb controlling points. It’s all a matter of turret placement. If you’re putting it down where it can be attacked from all sides, you’re doing it wrong. You should be chucking armor and defending your turret! Torb’s audio lines give away his purpose. He loves his

You’ve always had the option to take your time. Now, leveling fast takes real world money. Not cool from a paying customer standpoint.