
It’s worth infinity dollars if it keeps everyone moving at the same pace. Remember, if everyone has autonomous cars, even you impatient-types will be subject to yelling at the dash as the auto car cruises along at the speed limit.

“We are bringing in higher quality, prestige full-size vehicles that are what our customers want to rent.” Stay in your lane lady. I don’t want to rent a shitty luxo-barge and I’m willing to bet you don’t have stats to back up that audacious comment. Rental companies should only offer a sub-compact, a mid-size CUV, a

I don’t understand trunks. Honestly, with all the access a hatch offers, I believe NO car should have its storage compartment blocked off by an arbitrary deck lid. Hatch all of the things.

$20 - $50 is a small fee for a plate/registration. Imagine the implications if the cops/state didn’t take it seriously? Cars driving around uninsured, hitting other cars and driving away, cars used to commit crimes with now way to track, etc.

Where do you draw the actual line with “regressive?” Will you be satisfied when all law-breaking fees are tied to a person’s income? How does the collecting agency get your income information? I’m guessing you don’t care about privacy laws or the paperwork nightmare that would ensue if this became reality.

Why would a person struggling with finances have children?

This sounds like sovereign citizen junk. Driving is not a right. The government grants people the privilege of driving on roads (fixed and maintained by the government) in exchange for some registration money, personal information, and the adherence to a common set of rules of the road.

It is the right of everyone to have the freedom to pursue their own interests and endeavors. Having the opportunity to “make a living” would be a basic human right. Being GIVEN all of the things that constitute being in the state of “make a living” by the government is not a right at all... it’s a far cry from a

So. Much. This. My wife’s Forester has seats that miss my knees by about 2" and I’m only 5'9". When I drive it I feel like I’m sliding into the dash and have to use my resting foot to push on the floor and keep me in place. Lateral support is non-existent. I could forgive these things if it were a comfy ride but the

Why is nobody mentioning price? Those “expansions” (read: Cards, card backs, and board designs) aren’t just expensive within the game... they’re some of the most expensive things in the App Store. $7.99 each and I would have played beyond dabbling.

Sex sells. Everyone is part of the problem. Until sex doesn’t sell, you’ll see people (not just women) lining up to get paid to be objectified on film. Nothing I’m saying should be believed to imply that I agree with this ad campaign or Monster. It’s just a fact of life like death and taxes.

A 69 year old from Texas inside a car. People over 60 should automatically lose their license and have to go through extreme hoops to get it back. Also, no-passing zones are put in place in areas where visibility is low, side roads enter the main road way, in certain zones, and where conditions could be unsafe.

Now that Trump has slashed the fuel economy standards, can we at least put a law into effect that auto makers will no longer be able to offer engine options where there are more than 16 pounds of curb weight per pound of engine torque?

The headline says everything you need to know. Just because X isn’t happening anymore doesn’t mean Y can’t still happen. Also, crazy fast deregulated cars happening on Z.

A tool, is just a means. Violence is violence

We are bags of water and carbon with the unfortunate gift of the ability to question our own existence. I wouldn’t lump too much credit on any one human. these kids probably killed before and probably will again if they’re not caught. No amount of psychological counseling, jail time, torture, or medication will make

That video is unwatchably shaky

Basic human decency would dictate that if you want to sleep with someone else, do your partner the basic f—king courtesy of leaving them first. If you’re prone to accidentally falling onto some other guy’s d—k then you shouldn’t be in relationships to begin with.

Idk. The combat system sounds gimmicky. As, do the metal dinosaurs. Willing to bet they throw in the following tropes: 1. Humans insatiable appetite for violence, fighting, and weapons. 2. Humans destroy everything even the poor widdle metal dinosaurs. 3. Humans use too much technology. (Closeup on a millennial

These are the intermediate step between free driving and speeding tickets based on a car’s internal gps computer