
Even smarter... don’t buy into the hype and wait for reviews to come out. Chances are high that this thing will flop after the initial wave of impatient people have their units.

Artificial shortage = high demand. Classic Nintendo.

Hey guys, don’t do all of these fun, great things in life and you MIGHT delay cancer.

If only we were now $2.2M closer to a cure.

This. It’s almost like people want to get lumped into the newest crap generation window. “Milennial,” as a term, implies its members were born after 2000. The oldest living milennial is 17 years and 3 days old as of the posting of this comment.

Even ONE Tesla dealership will give the dealership legal power to sue Tesla for offering direct sales... this idea is dumb.

He troubles Tesla faces distributing cars may end up forcing it to franchise which would be a nail in the coffin on progress towards 100% direct auto sales.

It’s time for a paradigm shift in the way human beings live their lives.

There shouldn’t be production or farming jobs other than oversight positions. They should all fall away to automation. Ideas and creativity will be the capital of tomorrow much to the enjoyment of today’s worthless art degree holders... the degrees, not the people.

Would anyone argue that two burly men approaching your car after blocking your path in traffic aren’t a threat? Further, that, if you had a weapon, THAT would be a good time to get it ready in case the situation escalated? People shouldn’t be itching to cause harm but there’s nothing wrong with taking precautions. We

If you’d ever been into guns beyond “hey I’ve been to a range in Vegas and shot a fully automatic rifle,” then you’d know that you don’t just buy any ol cheap ammo to put in your carry weapon. You should be happier that people with guns are disciplined enough to know what they’re doing and what they’re shooting as

People will complain about anything.

Yes, because preventing people from having the power to heat their homes without using government-sponsored (i.e. controlled) sources somehow falls on Harley Davidson. They're trying to get HD to tell people that burning wood isn't cool instead of the gov doing it and getting people mad. This is crap all around.

Nobody has the right of way to merge in front of another vehicle anywhere at any time. A turn signal is a request, not a statement.

I'm okay with your first point if we also ticket assholes driving faster than 15 mph while approaching the end of the right lane.

On the contrary, slow the fuck down. If you were doing ANYTHING beyond (distance-wise) passing another single vehicle in your precious left lane, you are part of the fucking problem.

How many times in real life have you ever seen this merge situation involve JUST ONE asshole zooming up the right lande? It's not being one car length back. It's being 20 back because of dickwads with no morals.

That’s like teaching your kids what to wear to get beat up and how to take a beating. Zipper may sound great but in the rap world, people,zooming up the right lane are treated as asshats even if their intentions are good (90% they’re not).

No. Most ARE asshats despite your logic.

In before “flow of traffic” dipshits engage. I love assholes who think there is a fast/passing lane in town where it’s 35-45mph.