
This could also be the ancient car dealership beast trying to bury Tesla’s free-sale blasphemy.

Just looked up Dodge Ram. Cheapest model is Tradesman. Selecting 4x4 makes this model $30.6k. Selecting finance instead of lease raises this to $31.3k. Adding crew cab (to put it on par with ridgeline) brings the price to $37.2k.... Adding the he I brings it to $38.8k. Adding carpet and vinyl to the tradesmans

Do you not remember a few years ago when they came out and said the formula used to calculate MPG was faulty? So essentially, 25 MPG then was really 19. So NOW the automakers are knocked down a few pegs and trying to climb. If you're interested in high MPG, generally crossovers aren't on your list and only specialized


The Expedition is still BOF but has independent suspension all-around. I wouldn't consider anything an SUV that lacked at least a solid rear axle.

Calling us "ups"... just another reason the car-buying process sucks.

What's happening to Jalopnik? I had to scroll SURPRISINGLY far to find the first anti-Trump comment.

This reads to me: "I want to be an accomplice to attempted murder."

Got no problem staying in the right lane when I’m not keeping pace with the flow of the left lane but I do feel a certain level of disgust for white-sunglass-wearing, sister-marrying half-wits who only attempt to plow their way through everyone’s lives, steady in the the left lane.

Mmm, sweet tears. How much you wanna bet that the truck had NEVER been in the right lane and had no intention of EVER being in the right lane? Yeah the Z driver was CLEARLY being a dick and you can't teach another asshole anything by getting in his way but some people just believe the speed limit doesn't apply to them

I call bull. I’m not advocating the behavior but who among us has NEVER, at least, slowed down, even a little bit, to the sight of an aggressive driver zooming up to the rear bumper?

Funny. I've never actually even considered running someone off the road and endangering someone's life and the lives of other motorists. Sounds like you need counseling.

People who feel like they want to ram people off the road are only one bad situation away from acting on that impulse. Everyone with that mentality seriously needs anger counseling.

So we only have a "speed limit" for the plebs who want to drive conservatively in the right-most lane? Everyone is inferior to the mighty warriors who drive 15mph over the speed limit in the left lane! Oh, the wonders of the mighty "fast" lane and the miraculous men who operate there.


It just became a crime in Colorado. The asshat hippies and wannabe Southerners won out in court and made it illegal to drive the speed limit on highways.

I'm saddened by the number of people who are "get the frack out of the way" vs. "slow the frack down." Eventually the highways will be death races ala Farenheit 451. This is evidenced by laws, like that enacted recently in Colorado, which state that it's illegal to impede the natural flow of traffic. So basically you


Sadly, our culture has devolved into this idea that you just lay back and accept the actions of menacing people. People jockeying for the front of the line so they can exceed the speed limit by 10+ mph (in the absence of an emergency) shouldn't be allowed to drive.

Because moving out of the way is what that driver wants you to do. Not everyone is willing to submit to some impatient douche-nozzle's kindergarten demands. I don't advocate driving slow in front of people but I greatly dislike people driving too fast and having crowds move out of their way like they're royalty.