Wow. An actual on-the-nose sexist comment. If you think a car dealer won't work over a clueless man just as easily as a woman (clueless about cars or not) then you've obviously never spent time watching the car buying process.
Wow. An actual on-the-nose sexist comment. If you think a car dealer won't work over a clueless man just as easily as a woman (clueless about cars or not) then you've obviously never spent time watching the car buying process.
When you consider that the only alternatives are Wrangler, 4Runner, Tahoe, Suburban, Sequoia, Landcruiser... yeah, everybody is buying a crossover. The days of the "SUV" as originally dubbed are nearing an end. Even the Wrangler has weekly news reports of going to IFS and unibody construction.
That. What does he mean by "get rid of?" Murder? Withhold healthcare? Impatiently await their natural demise? What is a dinosaur to that poster? Over 30? Over 40?
The market is cyclical. Eventually CUV's will fall out of fashion and something else will take hold.
In this day/age you shouldn't go into any large-purchase situation relying on the seller for ANY information. Especially an auto.
When I was younger, I simply didn't agree with old people. I never wished death on them because they held different views than me. It seems young people today can't differentiate between generational differences and individual behavior. If these easily-offendable milennials would just stop being afraid of…
So all old people are sexist? And to fix it we should kill them all or just hope REALLY hard that they die of natural causes sooner? That’s very party-of-peace of you. How about older generations grew up a certain way and aren’t about to change so you should lighten up. If the guy came out and said “women are useless…
It's not an SUV.
Nope, the greatest resource was a small group of close relations all focused on the same goal. Humans don’t generally help anyone but themselves. If you think otherwise, you must have never seen a population first-hand where struggle was a way of life. Yes there are “good” people but the majority are savages kept in…
Consider the programming. All of the popular survival fiction shows depict complete societal breakdown within days of an event and the rise of evil groups who will do terrible things to you and your family. Based on this, the only solution to dealing with people is avoidance or elimination. Trusting people when people…
Dartol’s Rod of Transformation.
It seems the surface areas of rear windows seem to decrease every year too.
The jets have to sit on the ground from time to time, just like everything else.
Couldn't care less about the horsepower stat. What I need is 14 or less pounds of vehicle to every 1 pound of torque.
These stories always cheer me up because cheating isn’t a crime (though, one shouldn’t do it) but vandalism definitely IS. The guy absolutely knows... not only who did this but probably where they live and has all their contact info. Nobody ever mentions that in the story but if the guy wanted to sue for damages, he’d…
Lawsuits are necessary to give citizens redress in the event that someone causes them harm. “Frivolous” is subjective. I’m guessing that nothing looks “frivolous" to the family of the victim.
I guess you miss the part where the victim in the other car has brain damage. How should the family of the victim react? What if this were your family member hurt by some milennial t@rd who can't put the tech down for 5 minutes to just be a human being once in a while?
I’m wrapped up in the article photo that has the dumb c-word using another snapchat feature to talk about herself being alive and not mentioning anything about causing a crash. “Lucky to be alive” should be replaced by “once I mature a bit i’ll have to live with the haunting fact that the person I hit has permanent…
Right. Lane change warnings, automatic brake application, and other similar technologies are breeding armies of unaware drivers who might rely on the tech to do dumb sh-t like texting.
Pretty sure affluenzal teens in expensive cars would be driving fast even without some dumb app.