
“Milennials! We’re the future! Now let me just adjust the angle of this selfie before I get off the freew....”

I greatly prefer the new term we use for EVERYONE who takes a car that’s not theirs. It’s called stealing, and it’s a crime. A crime with a victim.

Having a history of crime must always come up when a crime was committed. Consider that this was only grand theft auto and not murder. If these girls killed someone instead of stealing a car we would all be concerned about what crimes they had committed previously.

Some people seem to think the police steered the car into the water remotely through magical cop tech.

It’s cute how you think the act of “getting a tattoo” can be so easily separated from the world surrounding tattoos. Sure, not everyone who gets a tattoo is a piece of trash but it's easy to see how a 15 year old getting one might be a sign of somebody who needs better parenting and maybe to find new social circles.

I’m sick of people laying the social ground-work for a future that’s free of responsibility and consequence.

You had to have possession of the car prior to a certain date to be eligible. It's a simple fix to prevent exactly what you're talking about.

Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon, sand tan, black wheels, hard top.

It only takes one time for a “mythical” intruder to become a real one for people to realize that defense is a personal responsibility.

Ugh. Can Feinstein pleas, just go away.

Using the term “thug” in a racist manner and being appalled by the general use of the term “thug” are both extremely racist. A word cannot carry more meaning then user or recipient means/interprets.

He who hasn’t the gun can claim cowardice but can’t do much else.

I’m of the opinion that if you break into a person’s home, other than your own, (whether occupants are present or not) you’ve forfeit your life. No human being should have to suffer the horror of feeling unsafe to criminals in their own home. Shooting a criminal who is pregnant only sounds bad because the person is

Argues Liberal talking point (racism). Links ONLY Liberal websites.

Funny how you type ‘thug’ into Google and the first result is a definition that talks about how the term originated in India to describe people (usually groups) who would attack others and/or kill them. Mostly travelers. Kinda applies here, dontcha think?

A person being an asshat who is willing to/and does punch somebody because of some traffic incident is most definitely.. a “thug” regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, etc. The media spun the phrase to be a racist term. You can choose not to go along with their antagonistic ways. We shouldn’t be scared to label a

“higher driving position” begets “higher driving position.” I’m personally considering a tall SUV just because I can no longer stand headlights coming driectly through my VW’s back window at night from tall SUVs.

Ahhh, nothing splits a room faster than “I drive fast, get out of the way” vs. “DO the speed limit @hole!” The biggest problem isn’t speed or traffic or cars. It’s impatient people making hasty or last-minute decisions in their vehicle.

In other words: “Waaaaaah, I wanna drive fast, I don’t wanna slow down!” Or do you have stats to back up that claim?

The car deal isn’t as simple because the dealer IS involved. The car is just another item to be bought. Sure, there’s licensing and taxes but it’s not much different then signing up for a cell phone contract. Dealer fees, accessories, service contracts, and the like CAUSE the deal to be difficult. I just want to go to