Capitalism, as a system, is fine. What’s awful is politicians accepting “donations” from companies in exchange for service/protection/favoritism/immunity.
Capitalism, as a system, is fine. What’s awful is politicians accepting “donations” from companies in exchange for service/protection/favoritism/immunity.
As pointed out below, this is about money, not Republicans or Democrats. The “green” aspect doesn’t even come up. Dealerships have legal protection to fleece Americans out of money solely for the sake of their own existence.
You must work at a car dealership. All your comment does is perpetuate the myth that consumers NEED a dealer to successfully buy a car they’ll be happy with. Dealers exist to make money on a product that can’t be sold direct to consumers BY LAW. They have legal protection to fleece Americans. The only comment you make…
The fix is simple. Tesla creates its own dealer franchises and hires employees that do NOT work on commission. The state gets their sales tax money, the end user gets a car without worrying about process or price, and Tesla gets to sell their cars everywhere.
I also want to be able to walk into a dealership anywhere in the country and pay the same for the car minus state tax. Here in CO the state protects dealers who lump in “dealership” and “handling” and “lot” fees. Several other states do this as well. A dealership is a mechanism that exists solely for the purpose of…
2009 Ford F-150 STX 4.2L V8 with 4 spd. - The thing couldn't pull itself up a hill to save its life.
Your tears are very sweet. Once I'm done relishing over your anger, I'll go back to my beer, football, steak, video games, and SUVs.
You could get the new RAV4 hybrid. It doesn't seem too awful
Bernie Supporter: “You pay for me, I’m not paying for anyone.”
And a website title “” ISN’T spreading false information? ‘False’ including biased towards the candidate whose plan it espouses? Like I’ve said a few times above, the plan doesn’t include the “Bern” you’ll all feel (heck, me too) when businesses say “screw losing money to Bernie’s tax plan, let’s just…
No way! A tax calculator biased towards the individual preaching it tells you things you want to hear? What neither calculator tells the reader is how much goods and services will cost after companies hike their prices when they get hit with the Bern. That means that maybe you get cheaper healthcare and maybe you get…
So, where, exactly are we saving money elsewhere? Bernie’s plan calls for “free” 2 year college education which amounts to paying for college with tax-payer funds (i.e. not free) and even the ACA hasn’t given anyone “free” healthcare. In most cases, the healthcare has increased in price and applied penalties to…
It’s shocking how laid back people are when discussing the government FORCING them to buy a product or service. If you think the affordable care act was anything other than propping up a failing industry than you’re not paying attention. Single-payer SHOULD mean that I find a health insurance company and pay them my…
It’s cute that you assume those people TARGETTED by Bernie’s plan are just going to roll over and take it. No. They’re going to pass the cost on to YOU, the consumer, by laying off workers, paying workers less, and increasing the cost of goods and services. Enjoy your “free” healthcare and education while you…
I’m surpised it took getting this far down on the comments for someone to bring up Bernie vs. Trump with a hard liberal slant. As a Canadian, mind your own bees wax. As for your opinion, yes, Bernie’s tax plan may specifically target top earners in the US but many of the most-top earners employ people and any hurt to…
Sadly, the VW exec, politician, and court talks have included foul language like “VW making good by reducing thier net emissions in other ways and forsaking the TDI owners completely.”
The 2012 has the same “first-model” engine and lacks SCR. It has the regen cycle. There is no way to retrofit the 2012 JSW with adblue. Even if there were a way to retrofit, I wouldn’t be willing to lose ANY cabin space to a tank of urea. Anything, 2013 and earlier needs to be bought back. I am not responsible for…
This. VW is just going to keep on stalling until action is taken against them to force their hand. Give VW clear guidelines on what actions the plan must contain and then fine them per day until they produce results.
Call for all TDi owners to STOP PAYING THEIR LOANS. They were given a fraudulent product and shouldn’t be making payments until a fix is put into action, at the very least.
Funny. EVERYONE will be shopping at Walmart after the Bern gets elected. Oh! You thought those taxes on the rich wouldn’t also apply to you or trickle down through shared cost? Silly Lib.