
As far as I’m concerned, this debacle is knocking dealers down the few pegs that they deserve when you factor dealership fees and rampant shady practices.

It seems like millenials will definitely eat their own when their peers make smart choices and end up *gasp*... rich.. *gasp*!

Your statement is VERY un-Republican. A tax credit for buying a certain car shouldn’t be about how much (or little) money a person makes and more about swaying the largest amount of people into buying that product. If rich people already buy it just for the “status symbol,” cool, if the incentive helps sway people’s

“Wealth gap?” Are you expecting the government to come in and take money from those evil rich people and give it to you for no reason? I’m guessing you weren’t born into a rich family. I’m also making an educated guess that you took that misfortune a step farther and moade poor choices which DIDN’T lead you into

You’re operating, wrongfully, under the assumption that it costs the average tax-payer even a single dollar to pay for this rich person to get a tax break. It doesn’t. Tax breaks mean you pay tax on a little bit less income next year and doubtful that it puts ANYONE into a lower tax bracket.

Because there are more hybrid and all-electric vehicles available than the Tesla’s you all love to complain about (for their rich owners). The rebate used to be offered to everyone for every electric/hybrid car. Now they are putting caps on it because like you, CA hates the rich... even when rich means $250k a year.

This reeks of “f—k everyone with more than me.”

This. Not everyone who’s rich is an unscrupulous cut-throat. Not everyone who can afford a Tesla is “rich” by the definition most people are imagining. Also, this is a tax break which doesn’t cost the general tax-payer a single dollar. The purchaser simply pays tax on a little bit less income next year. All that

It’s a tax break. There is NO transfer of wealth as you’re suggesting. It’s not like CA is robbing your tax dollars and then paying it to wealthy people who buy a Tesla. The people who buy an electric car can claim a deduction of $2,500 on their next-year’s taxes.

“undeserved?” So people over a certain income don’t deserve the same tax break as someone else? What happens when the government arbitrarily sets the rate so that you’re in the category of “doesn’t deserve?” Will you change your tune or is it just “f-ck everyone with more than me?”

It’s about the environment and adoption rates. Not what YOU misperceive as the use of a vehicle. Neither the price or the income of the buyer should hamper the adoption of these cars.

“Deserve” is 100% subjective and reeks of “f-ck anyone with more than me.” The point of he tax break is to help adoption rates, not put a measly sum of cash in people’s pockets. No rich people are getting richer by buying electric cars for the tax write off.

This. A $2,500 tax break really helps lower income purchasers and doesn’t even matter for people in the highest bracket. So why exclude anyone? Isn’t the goal of the program to help wide-spread adoption of all-electric cars?

This. I’m not FOR anyone. I DO dislike her more than the rest, however.

2015's can be fixed with software and won’t require expensive retro-fitting. You’re kidding yourself if you think that all TDIs are built equal and foolish if you think VWAG would buyback 2015-and-newer TDIs.

No. They don’t “get a mulligan.” or... they can get whatever you want to call it so long as that ‘thing’ is VW buying back my now-worthless TDI. My 2012 only has 36K miles on it. I’m not upside down on the loan (pre-dieselgate). This thing has value that is demolished by the company’s actions (not my doing). Buyback

Daily coverage is one mechanism (of many) that will help spur VWAG into action. Obviously fines and legal action help but if you’re a company that cares AT ALL about customer opinion, these stories help keep the dialogue going and remind VW that customers want, at the very least, an answer.

If the passengers in the trailing car weren’t badly hurt, I’m pleased with the outcome of this meeting. If they were, “sorry you’re hurt, maybe that’ll learn ya.”

You also have to look at the support system around any given transportation type. Vehicles (gas/diesel/electric/nuclear/pedal/hydrogen/whatever) ALL have parts. Parts that must be shipped. Shipping is done using fossil fuel. Even without shipping, the service industry around it, the drivers, the advertising, the

What this map shows me is that regions with high mileage are basically the most barren parts of the country where nobody lives anyways.