Jorge Milian


Harder , skinnier tires so drivers have to lift for the corners. Drivers gotta drive.

The front end expression is : "I AM smiling, now get out of my way"

Tony Stewart got his ears boxed by NASCAR for equating it to WWE.. Shame his driver had to prove the point.

"Approved bodyshops" My ass, I've seen enough shoddy repairs to know how this ends.

No love for My Son the Hurricane?

Ironically, this is about as good a safety demo as it gets. Even in a worst case scenario, the aircraft kept the crew alive.

Excessive firepower ? Nope!

I'd like to see some car maker step up and do a hybrid system with a compounding, turbodiesel engine. Just making things smaller doesn't address the issue of extracting more energy from the fuel.

Insurance on this wee beastie will be prohibitive! Between the kiddies wadding them up and the rest of them being stolen and stripped for lesser Civics it'll be crazy.

Most of the technology we are using on car engines today was developed by the aircraft designers of the world during the 1930-1950 time span.

We're talking about practice.. Sorry about that, had to.

I want to see white with blue stripes.

600 miles , hell! I'd still be in Florida!

Large , torquey, understressed engines will survive abuse and neglect far longer than little ,highly stressed buzzboxes. Think hummingbird vs. condor.

Leaf springs are great raw material for knife making.

The Ramcharger's first car had a shift line on the tach and a skull and cross-bones about 1000 higher.

How many thousands of hours went into this thing? Mad respect for the man!