
this is very moving to me - my cousin just came to my office during lunch day before nd confessed that she was raped by her boss 4 months before - but he threatened to sue her and threatened to have her and her 3 kids deported & we went together to the lawyer to talk it out that very evening. she said that this whole

OK, I would like to see this movie.

i got pinged on twitter :) i am here now~

dear maria shriver,

So Maria doesn't like young women who are nice, polite, gorgeous, and have good hearts? (OMG I sound like Adultasaur right now lol)

describing Robin Thicke as "the human version of a white leather couch" just made my week. I like to think of him, along with Adam Levine and John Mayer, as part of this three-piece set:

Honk if your relatives are posting things on FB like "i guess its all police officers fault that 12 jury members, regular citizens of the country we live in voted and to make a decision. why protest? go destroy property and be arrested" FUCK! GO LEARN HOW TO USE PUNCTUATION!

Honk if you're officially embarrassed to be an American.

My parents loaned me the money to start my own business and it changed my life. I refuse to feel bad about it and would never want to date someone who looked down on me for it.

I once had an "Actor" show up to a date still wearing lipstick from his job (singing carols at a christmas market...nice acting, broham) and then proceed to criticize me for wearing too much makeup. He also said "Your pictures didn't suggest you'd be fat" and I was like "I literally have a full body shot on okcupid.

This is just a place for OKCupid horror stories, right? I'm in!

I just want to say, I love the fact that Stefanie didn't try to pass judgment on her niece, interviewed her like a real person rather than an object up for judging — I think it's hard to do a piece like this without alarmism or the introduction of snide feelings about a young woman who is happily receiving a lot of

And it's the dude from Game of Thrones! I feel like watching this movie is going to be like Where's Waldo for Game of Thrones characters.

Okay, but when are we going to talk about Robb Stark fencing with Xaro Xhoan Daxos??