
Passion of the Christ 2: The Quickening.

I actually felt like the opening scene of It was one of the more boring ones. In fact, it picks up once the violence starts, since it didn’t shy away from the bite and the blood.

No mention of Conservapedia?

I thought that Morgan was supposed to be a reflection of Rick, if he let the world break him. The weird oscilation they did with him really screwed things up.

My boss is a big fan, and I’m a bit more critical of the show. There have been sections that I’ve liked, specific arcs, but it rarely calls to me.

Man... I just hope he doesn’t turn out to have sexually harassed someone.

My in-laws gave me the first Battlefront (2015) for Christmas. I played it a bit - I tried to force myself to give it time, and hoped that I’d get the hang of the feel of it.

My in-laws gave me the first Battlefront (2015) for Christmas. I played it a bit - I tried to force myself to give it time, and hoped that I’d get the hang of the feel of it.

When I was a young teen, I did like some of the soundtrack albums, since it was a dumping ground for b-sides and obscurities.

I kept writing a variety of responses, but most of them just amounted to different versions of my own experience, or observations I had while in the process of finding meds, etc.

Tom Petty is remarkable for two things, among others.

Why am I commenting?


I really assumed that it wasn’t going to be nearly as bad as people made it out to be. After all, how difficult is it to make a good commenting system?

I live in Ann Arbor, and I, for one, welcome the driverless delivery system.

I still like this movie, and watch it occasionally.
I have a few gripes, but they are fairly specific things - like the parking lot zombie doing the arm-over-arm thing.
Where the movie suffers most is in the writing. I can't stand dialogue where every character has remarks that are too witty or overly dramatic to be

I still enjoy watching the opening sequence.
I also remember that there was a release of the first 10 minutes prior to the release of the movie, and I think that was probably the best advertisement I've ever seen for a movie.

THERE'S an idea. Riverdale and Stranger Things are a shared universe!

I find this remark to be puzzling at best.
It could be a joke - it seems sort of like an Onion headline.
But it raises a question - if a president were to do outlandish stunts, would people find that impressive?
Jumping a gorge on a motorcycle? Bush's skydiving?