
Basically that entire movie. I still I find myself repeating many out loud, in public.

I’m very fond of this ‘Rushmore’ exchange:

The whole dinner scene in Rushmore, but mostly this:

Now playing

One that I’ve paraphrased a few times, even if YouTube seems not to want to let me start the clip at 1:20 to present it in full glory.

They never sold it retail here as its whole purpose here was an old car still sold in foreign markets at a time when fleets were shifting to CUVs. GM saw a way to sell fleets a cheap CUV and still have decent margins while somewhat protecting the Equinox resale value. The same way the sold the old impala to fleets

Surprisingly enough, the Equinox comes in a rather fetching green. I know this because my better half sees them on the road and thinks “Oh, that’s a really nice green, maybe I want an Equinox” and I have to remind her that we test drove one and both of us hated it.

Can you imagine being the guy in charge of buying $1.9 million worth of Chevy Equinox’s?  Talk about a depressing job.

If they want to compete with Wrangler on trails it does. They want to compete with Wranglers on the sales floor which is perfectly level so what it really needs to have is a removable top

“We really don’t know why, aside from this is the way we’ve always done it.” will get you fucking fired if I ever hear that from an employee for doing something as ugly/bad as these graphics. (I am product owner for a software development team.)

That was a good, well researched story.  Thanks

It’s an Aston Martin, not a Mercedes; the interior should come in whatever goddamn color the customer asks them to put in it.

He brought the bones of the golden tomahawks home in a doggie bag and intends bring them to a lab

I have a feeling announcing the cancellation without actually canceling the fusion is indeed a way to look forward thinking to shareholders/investors but keep on selling a bunch of cars every year.

Yeah, it is a deeply short-sighted plan.  And then GM followed suit!

Has it changed much from three or four years ago? I had a Fusion, a Camry, and an Accord as rentals back to back in that timeframe, and I was surprised why anyone would buy the Fusion over those two unless it were lots less expensive. Then again, I’m not the target audience.

Why is this so complex for Jalopnik to understand.

You’re assuming the sales of that 8% vehicle will replace that of the fusion... which doesn’t happen.  People that still buy Fusions are more likely to replace it with another good sedan, which means Ford won’t actually be making the same revenue or profit.

I don’t think the Fusion ever used the DCT that basically nuked the Focus and the Fiesta. 

I didn’t think the Fusion used the PowerShi(f)t? 

Because they were trying to impress Wall Street with a “bold” plan for the future.