

It works in Lion.

It sounds like snake oil because it is. That'd how you force-quit an app, it doesn't recalibrate anything. Maybe it's a placebo, maybe it's because you're holding down the button for an extended period of time and that provide a temporary fix, I don't know. But it doesn't recalibrate anything.

VOTE: Keynote

This is actually a useful hack for any application. It forces the application to become a background process with no running indication on the Dock. It also removes all menubar options when in the application.

In addition to SBSettings (with a prettier theme), I also use OmniStat for NotificationCenter and Calendar for NotificationCenter. I tried using AppCenter, but it would only respond on the fifth time or so I tapped an app.

Jailbroken 4S is stable, fast, and has good battery life. Also easy and fast to jailbreak in the first place.

There are also several packages that are designed to do notification center tweeting.

You still can. If you use redsn0w, the iBooks issues are fixed. Apple hasn't put out an update since the Jailbreak yet.

In addition, ever notice how you type the same email over and over when logging into websites? Makes it much easier.

If you want a lot of space, you really need to do an HDD. If you don't mind less space, then you have to make a decision.

I actually do just that, and have no problem saying I can't help them. I help people often enough already with technology. It's nice to have a legitimate excuse why not to help them. Ironically, in my case it's "Oh, I don't know. I'm used to Google Docs."

There are tons of great RSS readers out there. I use NetNewsWire on my Mac and Reeder on my iPhone, but there are dozens of different websites and applications for every platform. The key selling point of Google Reader is feed syncing, which is something no one else offers.

You suggested Blogspot as an RSS alternative and then mentioned alternatives for Blogger later on. In case you didn't know, Blogspot was rebranded as Blogger, and is run by Google.

VOTE: Simple Desktops

I say headphones. Unless you're an audiophile and obsessed with perfect sounds, the Apple earbuds are great. Free, you probably have a bunch lying around, have a remote to music, and produce sound. Do you really need more?

I use the multitasking bar for the same purpose. Always leave Settings, Instapaper, and Simplenote there for quick access.


First of all, I want to say I'm really proud and impressed that this hasn't already turned into a flame war with tons of trolling. Just goes to show you Lifehacker has quality readers.

If anyone finds this old article, unless you're sure you want FTP I suggest using Dropbox instead of an FTP server to access files you leave at home.