
+1 For Click to Play. Won't even load the plug-in until you click on it, so it doesn't even get a chance to auto-play.

I'm surprised there's no mention of Consume. Great one made by Bjango for tracking all sorts of stuff, including packages.

There's also SuperDocker, Deeper, iTweaX, MacPilot, Maintenance, and the built-in and hidden Archive and Disk Images preference panes ([]).

Maybe you have the widget set to only update every 30 seconds. GeekTool will update the output that frequently.

If you used top -l1 -u -o cpu -S instead of just plain old top, the extra arguments will do the formatting for you.

But with referrals, the scavenger hunt, a .edu email, the getting started tutorial and others you can get a ton more. And three of the options up there are only 5 GB. It really should be up there.


Not Decimal time, Stardate.

VOTE: DaisyDisk

Note that the Command-Option-Eject shortcut was introduced fairly recently. It won't work on older versions of Mac OS X. I think Leopard may have been the first to introduce it.

Control-Eject. On a laptop you can also press the power button.

I tried allocating 50 GB to Linux, 8 GB to Linux Swap, and 40 GB to Windows. When I formatted them as MS-DOS (FAT) it was unable to do the format with those sizes. What am I doing wrong?

VOTE: Transmission

VOTE: Facebook

I use Tatango ([] It's designed for people who want to do more frequent text blasts to groups you set up. It has a monthly fee.