
Looks like Kristen’s blowing up!

You really expected podmass to cover something entertaining or that comedy fans might like in 2019?

Yeah, making a joke or commenting about something = fragile.


ah yes the film was a “mess” the favourite non-criticism of pseuds everywhere. Don’t press him on this one folks, he might cry

Well I thought this was funny.

All of these commentators have shown that they’re very funny and cool!

Podmass, 2014: You’ll be highly entertained by the latest episodes of Comedy Bang Bang, Hollywood Handbook, and You Made It Weird.

Not to defend her support of the Iraq War, but anyone who has experienced the horrors of “real, existing socialism” in Eastern Europe (as many of my own relatives did although I was fortunate enough to be raised in the US), appreciates her work in reminding the current generation about the Gulag, the artificially

Homework assignments that are trying to sell you Casper mattresses or Squuarespace accounts......

It’s interesting to look at Podmass articles from 5 or 6 years ago and contrast them with the current ones. So many of the recommendations from the past year or two feel like homework assignments. 

I mean, there is a pretty big middle ground.

I’m sick and tired of racism being combined with being anti-religion. Religions are not racial, they’re a set of beliefs people chose to believe and they’re based in fantasy bullshit. Being anti-religion doesn’t make someone a hate monger, being a muslim or a christian that wants to kill people for not sharing their

8) Endlessly tell anyone and everyone that you no longer listen to problematic celeb, otherwise, people won’t know how woke you are. 

“Dated”, certainly. The “garbage” assessment only comes from your inability to properly contextualize the song.

I get that that is a possible interpretation of the song” - no, it’s the correct interpretation. It was originated by a married duo as a charming sketch of being coy. Alternate takes are understandable, given that not everyone knows the song’s history, but they’re still objectively wrong.

Not at all dangerous waters, if one is familiar with the song, and the context in which it was written. It’s only people who don’t understand the context that get it wrong. Tediously so.

Ah the 2010s, when an artist can't so much as fart in the general direction of a microphone without someone whining about being offended on behalf of people they never interact with in the first place.

An artist doesn't owe an interview to anyone, especially not to explain their work. Whether you feel the song gets its point across or not, it's fully within her right to let it speak for itself.

Better to be a talented artist that is (supposedly) out of her depth, than an untalented writer who has undoubtedly no depth.