
Yet another big “screw you” from FoMoCo to people with months (or years) old orders. I want to say I can’t believe Ford has screwed this up so much, but I had a powershift Focus so...

The Genesis G70 Shooting Brake. I’m not much of a Hyundai products fan, but I can make an exception for something that’s equal parts functional and good looking. This car is for the parent that hasn’t completely fallen into the bland SUV/midsize sedan pit of mediocrity.

Still waiting for the day they announce it for the US market.

Louvres for your rear quarterlights. Because in these days of cars with dodgy all round vision, covering up windows is a good idea, what we need is bigger blind spots.

In Michigan functioning tires aren’t even law. You may have gotten some idea on the state or what’s running around on the Michigan roads from the former-Jalopnik-writer-turned-competitor-website-founder, but there’s some scary shit out there. I hated having to go through the annual NY safety inspection when I was a

Michiganders always seem to be baffled by snow despite regularly seeing during the winter months.

Kudos to that cop who followed procedure and basically busted his boss. I’m sure he’ll get skewered by other, shittier cops for it.

I don’t care if you’re a gangbanger or the President of the United States.”

A bit better - Steve didn’t shoot his own vehicle.

Or, heaven forbid, vote when they think they’re in the clear to do so.

House looks nice.

Invite that priest and two call girls who went to prison for filming a satanic-themed threeway on a church altar!

...And here is my pick, import this bad boy

But Mississippi residents who live in the 21st century

In countries in which it’s harder to obtain a weapon legally, it is harder to obtain a weapon illegally. This is a real blind spot in a lot of Amerians’ reasoning about gun control laws, which amounts to a claim that “there would be the same number of murders whether or not murder is illegal, because people who murder

Maybe, just maybe, if your country didn’t allow everyone - including this delusional kid - to wear a gun, shit like this wouldn’t happen. Without that gun on his hip, this probably ends with the kid getting some (well deserved) fines. Yeah, he was a fucking idiot, but that clearly isn’t yet a death penalty offence.

18 wheelers are driven by people who have had the training to handle such large vehicles.

Care to actually levy a criticism, or are you too busy weaving through traffic in your lifted duramax?

Fines in general should never be a fixed number. Should always be %, otherwise it’s just a fee for rich people to break the law.