
Related, I like how the UAW has all of those nice buildings on the Detroit riverfront.

The Miata already dropped its CD player for 2019 and no one at Jalopnik said anything.  Add lightness, you know?  

I know you have better pictures than that.  Half in shadow?  

But even Raph looks bored.

Thats a pretty “fine” bumper put onto an otherwise boring $100k+ convertible.

Post needs pics of this too.

Meeting new safety standards doesnt mean you have to bloat the hell out of the car.

Genuinely same thought.

I really like it on the mk2 Supra.

Ah yes, those new and usual threats of building a Mazda 3 in Japan.

You’re literally doing the thing the video is talking about. One study from one person using some numbers.

Ahh yes.  Only you, the big dicked smart man has it figured out.  

S2k guy is known around Detroit.

Jalopnik never uploads all of the press photos.

Design isn’t all bad.

I’d rather not have to use recirculating ball steering again.  

The sport light kompact is less sporty, weighs more and is bigger than a Miata. Also, auto only.

TIL they made 3 door discoverys of this generation.

A car people forget about:

Okay, but some images of the regular butt would have been nice too.