
Do you want a cookie for “finding” one for $27k? IMHO I don’t care what the difference in weight or “base”ness is, V8 & RWD > FWD V6,

The bumper change and little lift does make it look visually taller. Saw one today and was kinda surprised, in a good way.

First off I don’t believe you. Second, right now a 300 with a V8 starts at $35k because of incentives. $3k more than a base Avalon and 100% worth it.

“So if you want a car to shred, to hoon, to absolutely thrash under the radar, get yourself an Avalon.” … Nah.

It should!

I said something similar on the original post and I stand by it.

We always do something, can't we not this time?

At one point no one ever saw this entire planet and thought it was flat.


Your name is amazing. Keep on fighting the good fight.

Right now, just like on the road, I’m passing you on the right and moving on.

Once again, if you’re not passing keep right. Quit being an ass on the Internet and in real life.

Im that guy you hate. Sorry not sorry but if there is room to go around you there is room for you to get over. Not my fault the guy you’re following doesn’t know how to get over either.

And no one here is surprised. There is always those people.

Thats exactly why I just pass on the right, because of that guy.

Thats way too proactive. Also I’d be willing to be 95% of left lane hogs wouldn't even read your sticker.

I’ve wanted to get one for a while, should just make the purchase.

So be on the lookout for a green Ranger? On it.

No its intended for fucking everyone, doesnt matter the speed. If you are not passing keep right.