Jordan Lund

Too bad that, globally speaking, the Japanese market is almost insignificant these days. It used to be 25% of gaming, now it's less than 1/2 that.

The PSP Go could have been a success... Sony needed to do just a few things:

Nintendo? A trail blazer?

Compared to Windows 3.1 and MacOS 7 it was GORGEOUS.

If it's the design that caused the original Playstation to have to be turned upside down to work and numerous PS2s to fail with dirty disc errors then he should be paying Sony!

Check out the decline in PSP software releases.

I bought my PSP back in 2005 at launch and updated to the slim version when it became available. I've purchased 40+ games for the system at retail.

So how much are they going to charge for the online version this time?

You don't even have to look as far as accessories... Xbox 360 sales were up 10.35% over last year, PS3 sales were up 13.27% over last year (first time in 9 months they beat prior years sales.) DS is up 6.88% over last year.

Here's the problem:

The gear is Cowboy Clint.

Someone needs to point out to them that they've only had THIRTEEN PSP titles come out so far this year. The DS has had over FIFTY!

This is the 5th month in a row where PS3 sales have failed to beat last year. In fact, the PS3 is doing the same kinds of numbers this year as the PSTWO was doing last year.