Jordan Lund

Now we can finally get an arcade perfect home version of Baby Pac-Man...

The thing is that Nintendo has ALWAYS been a generation behind. They were the last to release a 16 bit machine (SNES), they stuck with cartridges when everyone else moved to optical media (N64), they refused to offer component video cables and network access in any kind of rational manner (Gamecube), and they still

When it's $60 and it represents the culmination of something that people have plugged 100+ hours into... it's a little bit more than "just a game".

In one of the interviews BioWare said "This story arc is coming to an end with this game. That means the endings can be a lot more different. At this point we're taking into account so many decisions that you've made as a player and reflecting a lot of that stuff. It's not even in any way like the traditional game

The problem is that the developers violated the expectation they set with fans. They made certain promises and I don't think it's unfair that fans hold them to what they said during the pre-release hype.

It will inevitably be compared to the Assassin's Creed series, albeit from the other side. It doesn't look like it will compare well though.

Morgan and Duane disappeared from the comics for several years... then Morgan came back. That's all I'm gonna say about that.

1) Grand Theft Auto 3. Crappy graphics, buggy and glitchy gameplay. If it were released in that state today it would have been torn to shreds but for some reason all the PS2 owners loved it.

@poplin: Ocarina of Time bored me silly... The repetitive play was exactly what was wrong with it. I actually fell asleep playing that game.

@Frypot: EA gave up their liberty to put whoever they wanted in the game, in the hopes it would make them safe from the government banning their game. It didn't. Therefore EA deserves neither liberty nor safety.

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin (attributed)

@Fuzi Lojak: I was at PAX and I don't remember even seeing it much less hearing anyone talk about it.

Nintendo needs to bring back the Magic Eye to makes these screen-shots workable.

Did they do the cinematics for the Assassin's Creed games? I always found those impressive.

I can't tell you how many hours I put into Ultima III, IV and V. Let me put it this way... I plotted every square of ground on graph paper and glued it to cardboard sheets.

I think it's obvious that it's already happened...

In his defense... the NPD reports tha PC game sales are down 21% for the year and unit sales are down 14%. Both Xbox 360 and PS3 sales are up.

From the back of the box:

You don't have to have the most secure network on the block, it just has to be more secure than the wide-open linksys next door.

Well, first you have to remove all the games that were bundled with the NES and SNES since they were never "sold". What does that leave left over?