Jordan Lund

Unfortunately it still comes down to games. The last DS game I bought was "The World Ends With You" almost exactly a year ago. Prior to that it was Professor Layton 2 months before that...

45% of Wii games sell less than 100,000 units despite being on a hardware platform with over 44 million potential customers.

Biohazard Battle was also a Sega Genesis game in 1992.

It's a shame because the DS library really doesn't hold a candle to the GBA library.

SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection - Xbox 360

No integrated 1541 disk drive? Fail!

Much like the game - we need a higher resolution version of this...

"top speed of 25 km/h and has an operating range of up to 350 km"

I blew $0.99 on the Watchmen MMORPG and it kept crashing so much it was unplayable. I actually felt ripped off, even at $0.99. Apple refunded my money.

OK so, 448,000 Won = 31,416.20 Japanese Yen (Thanks!)

How about some games that are actually, you know, decent?

This is a stat I've been talking about for ages, although I think they're being a little less generous on the upper end and more generous on the lower end.

Now if someone could just convince Starbreeze to do an updated version of Enclave (one of the most over-looked Xbox titles.)

This is why Sega almost died... they have no clue what's marketable and what isn't.

Phantasy Star Portable shows what can be done with the PSP. Here's hoping for more...

No More Heroes on launch day. Man, what a disappointing game.

2008 was an incredibly weak year for the PSP.

Can someone please mail them a page out of the dictionary with the word "Influential" highlighted?