Jordaneer, The Mountaineer Man

solution, Move to Montana!!!

I wonder if DeMuro’s hummer can drive in a circle?

We the American people are being oppressed!!!


Your an old man with a small dick?

trophy wives, trophy wives everywhere.

What? There are people who would care about literally 1 of a few thousand plates? Some people really have nothing to do

That drug abuse program? Our city stopped it because it was too ineffective so it was a waste of money, I was in the second to last year they did it.

rear seats are a structural part? What?

The only reason I would consider a SxS over a ATV when I have the means to buy one is that I know too many people who have been killed or hurt on ATV’s, SxS’s just seem a lot safer, I’m not saying they are without risk, but with a SxS, you have a roll-cage, seatbelts, doors, etc. an ATV has none of those.


They are all bench racing.

That is the stupidest argue net for parallel universes I have ever seen.

Because the Berenstain beárs just scream “I LOVE THE 90’S”

I did an autocheck on my car, its a model year 2000, in 2004, it had 90k miles, 11 years later, it has only 172k miles, so it was driven a ton during its first 4 years of life

Lol COTD!!

Wooot!!! CarMax!!!

Damn you beating me to it!!!


Elon isngiving you a free Model X, ya know “for charity”