my thoughts as well, they both burn fuel in an enclosed space, therefore they are both INTERNAL combustion engines.
my thoughts as well, they both burn fuel in an enclosed space, therefore they are both INTERNAL combustion engines.
The answer is simple: absolutely not. I wouldn't wish daily driving this car on my biggest enemy. I wouldn't wish it on my greatest foe. I wouldn't even wish it on that guy who called me "Doug DeDouchebag" because I said they don't have valet parking in Idaho.
Okay, I see what you mean now. I just doubt most people want to wait 4-6 hours for their meal, so they took it that way. I've never smoked brisket or pulled pork, I do grill though. but I have done pulled pork and roast in the crockpot, and even when you have a really tough piece of meat, it will become much more…
are you serious or are you joking?
I am not of age yet (still have 3 years until i can legally drink) and I am protestant, and its not technically off limits to drink, but generally, most people in the denomination don't, we've used cooking wine before, plus a little bit isn't going to kill you even if it doesn't boil off. this is the stance I take, I…
theres hardly any alcohol at all, plus it all boils off when cooked, theres no reason to not use the normal homemade vanilla.
I'm a protestant christian, and while drinking isn't technically off limits in the denomination, most people don't don't drink. this is really weird, we've used wine on multiple occasions to cook food since all the alcohol just boils out, plus even if there is a little left, its not gonna hurt anyone. Are these people…
I'm not saying that I'm a great driver, I'm not, I've only had my license for 2 and half months.
or maybe just revoke their drivers license, I was riding with someone today who totally rolled through a stop sign, and they hardly even slowed down
granted the next two months I've had my license I've been a few slightly stupid things in a car but many Idaho drivers are complete idiots. Most don't signal, they pass you on the right, and they generally think it is their God-given right to go ahead of you at 4 way stops even if you were there first.
I had to go renew my driver's license yesterday because after you turn 18 you have to go renew your drivers license. They basically have you fill out a 1 page form, take your picture and check your eyesight, and take your 25 dollars, japan sounds way more strict than Idaho.
I really find it obnoxious that nations such as Mexico don't stand up to the US (Im an American Citizen BTW) america really needs to be put in its place and not get everything it wants.
he is a canadian citizen, so he really isn't a foreigner
she has to get a different insurance company because it is a salvage title and her company won't insure it, plus she also is going from a stock 2000 kia sephia with a bunch of issues that she sold to her niece for 500 bucks, to a car without any issues (other than a wreck). her insurance is going from about 40 bucks a…
Thanks Obama!!!
Now that really is as Jeremy Clararkson would say "a glorified beetle"
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I SHALL NOT HAVE IT!!!! I better get an unreliable used car from somewhere else. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO RUIN IT FOR US, THE POOR IDHAHOANS!!!!!!!!
bu, buut, I drive a mercury...
I have a family member who is buying a salvage 2014 ford focus hatchback in about a week, the only nice thing is that it was $9000, but her insurance is about to triple (going from liability to full coverage).
agreed, Most democrats are assholes, and so its nice to have republicans back as the majority, I'm 18 by the way.