Jordaneer, The Mountaineer Man

it looks like a blimp with wings.

So many people in America just need to grow some skin, (I live in America) I didn't even know that slope was a racist comment, and I live in a college town, very liberal compared to the rest of my state, and I hear worse things said every day on campus, and I've had much worse directed at me, its not like Clarkson is


The first time I saw cars 2, I thought it was rather awful, It was rather hard to tell where the story was going, I only just got it at the end.

I probably would buy a p1 first, but I want the 918 to be faster than the p1 so on the next Top Gear we have Jenny, Captian Slow, and the Hamster.

Manual RWD diesel brown station wagon.

I highly doubt they would let a sex offender near the party, much less let them give a 7 year old a ride in a car with no one else in it.

Also look at 35 minutes for another James May take on ASIMO

Now playing

Since this is Jalopnik, I think we need Captain Slow's take on ASIMO Go to 18:00 in this video

Can I have a P1 for free, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!, I'll even ask very nicely and say thank you :)

Obligatory question that needs answered!!! Why is the answer always miata!!!!!!!!!!!!

and most of the owners, especially hummer owners, have never used a hummer offroad

And that fight will be an extra 50 dollars please

No it is RyAnaIr

Well well well, Jenifer Clarkson, we shall see, we shhallll see.

Yeah, Luckily for me I didn't inherit his height, I'm only 5' 6'', I was hoping to be around 5' 9'' because that is what my dad is, but unless I grow, Im stuck between 5' 6'' and 7''.

I have a cousin who is 6' 8'' and he drove a car, Im not sure what it was but it was about the size of a Geo Metro, and he fit just fine in it.

The answer is one without a roof,

try GIMP, free, open source. and almost as good as photoshop