
The clip for Bad Blood was a shitshow. Her entire team are monsters. Both Joes, Kahn and Cassell are utter tools. They were calling in to have stuff made the day before they shot that clip and getting it done was near impossible. But, immigrants, we get the job done.

I’m getting that impression in this comment section. Who knew gym snobbery was a thing?

I’m not defending Ready Player One, but isn’t South Park chalk full of pop culture references, especially ones from the past? But I guess its ok for Trey and Matt because “they don’t fuckin care about anything and caring is dumb lul”.

Jet Set Radio...

and before that it was called Firefly, and before that it was called Outlaw Star.

Personal opinion, obviously, but this is the side of “fandom” I honestly can’t the people who kept screaming about Barb being the absolute best thing about Stranger Things.

Much like the aforementioned Barb, there is no character here. Just a single picture, a few voice lines, and a whooooooooooole lot of

Double Psh. Gyo.

Psh. Uzumaki.

What? This is hilarious, and not at all scary! Is this what passes for horror manga these days? It’s not deeply disturbing and horrifying at all, unlike the reigning champ, The Enigma of Amigara Fault.

I remember getting a Street Fighter “battle cycle” where one drives the motorbike and another mans the turret on the back.

I consider this the first good episode. I was really surprised by the twist at the end, and it was the first indication that this was a different kind of show.

That horrible Matt Groening, wanting to spend a little of the money his money machine makes on getting the best possible sounds for the soundtrack of the money machine.

Sorry guys. The whole “The Simpsons is running forever” thing is my fault. I got one of those monkey’s paws in 1994.

What did you expect from The Always Valeryian Club?

With Valerian steel bullets!

How did they get from the Wall to King’s Landing that fast? that’s a least a 10 hour drive!

I imagine they’d go for some sort of sword-gun thing like Romeo + Juliet.

Bran becomes a robot! Maybe Tyrion gets a cell phone.