
Didn’t the dog playing Ghost die?

Can’t wait to see the Three-Eyed Raven hackers

Aren’t we past the book ages by now? Like its been established that years have passed

Fuck, had the same idea.

“Yo, we’ve only got enough plot scraps here for maybe 7 episodes...”

Still hoping for Jamie Lannister to be the one

Well she cared enough to reset time 39 times, and visit Q in his dreams, and push him into situations before he was ready… Also your hypothetical was weird. My friends and I help each other regularly. When I work with strangers on a crew I ask for help and receive help. I get asked to do a lot and ask others, it's

True, it just seems that the whole Chatwin plot line just kinda ended. Maybe that was the intention.

Well we haven't seen them time travel to the future yet. We do know time travel is possible it just requires an immense amount of energy. I would love to see a jaded Future Q, maybe present Q could get some character development telling off his future self.

Except that Q and Julia encounter Future Jane in season 1 after her death while discovering Filliory…

Love the alternate universe stuff, but I don't understand why they don't ask Jane for help with the time shit, couldn't they go back in time and use her abilities to help them?

Well they died at most 39 times. We know Q definitely died 39 times, but we don't know how the showdowns went on the AUs.

Julia throwing Q to the foxes..
Also I love that the Dean is just used to their shenigans like an exasperated Dumbledore. Do you think Brakebills has Mad God practice drills like if there was a school shooter?


I thought the parasitic twin could be a sly dig at Fiona/Samantha. Also I agree the Martyr is Lip. Invalid: Ian?