
I love his little white moustache!

That’s Eartha Kitteh’s life story too! Except “under a friend’s rental property” rather than in a shed. Bonus — I got to meet her handsome Dad Cat because he was the local tom (he was picked up and neutered by the spay & release folks shortly after Eartha’s birth).

never mind

I was going to say “show up as the date of whoever he’s going to lose to,” but then I remembered he’s going to lose to Courtney B. Vance, and Angela Bassett would NEVER ALLOW IT.

I see that and just think about how fucking easy it would be to parallel park in the city.

In one of the many rooms of Buckingham Palace, the Queen puts down her copy of Ok! and frowns. “What is a Pippa?” she asks.

The good news is, having lost to Donald Trump and Mitt Romney, he won’t even feel the searing embarrassment of losing to Vanilla Ice.

I need to make this a part of my life.

I initially read the title of this piece as “How Anthony Weiner Truly Lost Everything,” and my immediate response was “he threw it the fuck away.”

Guys, guys, when Rudy says “radical” he means it the way Bill & Ted did back in the day. The current crop of Islamic Terrorists are totally RADICAL, my dudes! Those 9/11 guys were gnarly to the max.

I had the exact same thought. Cooking with Cousin Olivia, Wednesdays on The View.

There are a few very notable gaps in my Leo experience (I have never seen and have no desire to watch him crip up for Gilbert Grape), but I got dragged to most of them by virtue of being in his target generation and getting outvoted on girls’ movie nights.

And yet, even they have recognized the absolute toolishness of one Kirk Cameron.

Leo is too old to play Leo.

I would take credit, but a friend pointed it out in the mid ‘90s — it’s just that it’s never stopped being true. Like he could make a movie about dying of thirst in the desert, and there would be a hallucination about swimming in Lake Superior involved.

This is unexpectedly heavy, but good. And I feel like there’s some kind of saying about living long enough to become ridiculous to young people that Ledger totally deserved to live out.

The Departed was during the brief spate of “maybe I’m going to start thinking Leo isn’t a massive choad” movies, so I’ll cosign this as a likely accurate claim.

Oooh, this is a good theory, except I kind of like Brad Pitt’s clean movies where he’s clearly just getting a paycheck and having fun and not ACTING. (the Oceans films, for example).


This is 100% true. He has not only never, ever been hot, he has never once in his life looked like a functioning person of his own age. I am *roughly* the same age as he is (within 3 or 4 years, I think), and all through his “heartthrob” years, I thought women my age who found him hot were disgusting, because he