His face looks like god was making a handsome man, and then left him in the sun and it melted a little bit.
His face looks like god was making a handsome man, and then left him in the sun and it melted a little bit.
English Society, notorious for its shirtlessness.
And he couldn’t fit a shirt into his carry-on luggage? Ok, Tarzan.
I’m against this, but a friend of mine made a PieCaken — apple pie baked inside an apple cake with brown butter frosting — for Thanksgiving, and that was pretty legit.
“But if he could find pants, why couldn’t he find a shir—”
I got in a solid 30 seconds of “well helooooo, Tarzan” before the horrible niggling part of me wondered where Tarzan gets trousers.
38 has been kicking me in the guts all year, and 28 did kind of the same thing, so I’m glad to hear someone else has 8 issues.
“She likes names that are similar to Justin, so she’s either picked Preston, Ethan, or Grayson. She thinks they sound great with Theroux as a last name.”
This is the second time I’ve heard gossip about Youthful Daze in the last three weeks, which I feel is more than anyone should hear about anything called Youthful Daze in an entire lifetime.
I’ve watched enough Egyptian programs on various History channels that I feel like Zahi Hawass is a close personal friend.
I’m 38, and trying to figure out if I could fit my work laptop in there and still give people my “respect mah authoriteh” glare when I turn up rocking it at a conference.
It’s not well drawn. But maybe that was his game plan — get the Obama Belly Tattoo and then if Obama lost or turned out to be terrible, get some freckles added and go “nah, man. That’s Alfred E. Neuman. Also, have you seen my monster wang?”
No one should spend money on Brooks’ book, but I will be watching the ARC discard shelves at work for it like a fucking hawk.
I mean, they were married four years. How long can things have brewed?
THANK YOU. I knew I remembered something like that, but per wikipedia (font of all knowledge) he and Pulver divorced in 2011 and OUAT premiered in Fall 2011, so it wasn’t enough detail to rule it in or out.
There was actually a slight brawl in the RHONYC forum on Previously TV earlier this year because a woman insisted that a friend of hers had gotten HIV from kissing.
The transition between the Charlie Sheen piece and the John Stamos interview made think that In Touch interviewed John Stamos about Charlie Sheen. And then the dating question made me go “whaaaat Uncle Jesse and Uncle Charlie dated?”