Jordaan Mylonas

I love you goodbytes. Stay thorough!

I don't think "Average" is the correct term here. 'Mode' or 'Median' would be more appropriate.


In the case of the image above, the surface has the ability to automatically change its background colour to match the keyboard cover.

The Marie Curie card the only glow-in-the-dark one.

As someone who primarily reads textbooks (software engineers, we're always learning), the Kindle DX was a great purchase. Shame about it being disco'd.

So, it's okay for him to judge all white people, including singling out his boss, based on the actions of a few, but it's not okay for his colleagues to associate him with the black stereotype?

I called you a troll, because your last dozen or so comments are basically entirely you insulting or demeaning other people in the comments sections. Way to dodge the question, btw.

SMH = Shaking My Head

I don't remember where I read this, but apparently he was one of the driving forces behind the creation of Kismet, Unreal Engine's node-based graphical scripter.

Someone needs to realise that laws and social standards don't apply to any one race, majority or minority, they set the bar of acceptable social behaviour for all people, regardless of race.

OK, so clearly there's connecting thread you are alluding to that I am not seeing here, so please, if I'm making some broad mistake, could you explain to me what it is?

From a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement

Are you referring to me personally? If so, when have I racially profiled anyone?

I totally agree. When you are making decisions in a professional capacity, your responsibility to act correctly is way higher than when you are merely acting on behalf of yourself, personally and privately, as he was in his blog posts.

Never referred to myself as a victim. Merely pointed out his hypocrisy.

Are you being sarcastic? It's hard to tell sometimes, over the internet.

Complains about racism. Then posts this on his blog: "Going back to the matter at hand, Steve then proceeds to do what white men always can't help but do: "educate."

whoops, forgot my "/s" tag. Gotta remember to include that every time...