Jordaan Mylonas

Just a stab in the dark here, but I'd guess HTML for markup and content, CSS for styling, and some Javascript for interactivity, with AJAX used for loading content dynamically.

While their actions are still deplorable and wrong, there is a big difference between killing someone because you see them as being a baby murderer, and killing someone because they made fun of someone/something you like.

Nope. Jesus and God get made fun of ALL of the time, Christians are being pointed out as causing the Dark Ages all of the time, and yet I don't see Fundie Christians tearing apart the Sydney CBD with signs saying "Behead all those who insult Jesus"

A small group of muslims, angered by a movie claiming muslims are prone to anger and violence, respond with violence.

Man, you must love the Department of Transport / DMV. You get to have a "stand in a line for ages" adventure every time you go in!

Green Ranger is clearly the best, even the shows writers have said Green was their favourite to write for.

Same resolution does not mean the same quality. There are many other factors, suc as viewing angle and colour reproduction, to consider.

Dude, it says on the website that the OIS bit of the video was not taken with a PureView device.

You know what'd odd? I've heard and quoted those numbers before, but for some reason just decided to use "3000" instead.

I'll leave all of that "Spelling" witchcraft to you, heathen. :P

You spelled "3000" wrong. Or do you want to burn in eternal hellfire or something?

A 15.6" screen at 16:9 aspect ratio is 13.6" wide and 7.65" high.

File transfer manager,

The guy who wrote this film, Max Landis, is a huge comic book buff. He's the guy that did the "Death and Return of Superman" video that lit up youtube a few months ago.

Each monopoly game comes with $15, 140, so you'd need to buy 67 monopoly sets to make $1M. Assuming to buy a copy of the board game costs you $50, that's $3350

I think he sounds like Tom Waits.

Here's why that is BS: Windows Phone 7. The Mango update was available for virtually every handset within 3 weeks. Different hardware vendors, variety of hardware, 3 weeks. And yes, they all run on the one processor type, with the one resolution. So, lets give them another 3 weeks for the change in processor, and

The 9 month period being discussed here isn't the time taken to develop the OS, mate, it's the time taken from when Samsung received the Vanilla OS to when they made available their customised version for owners of their top selling handset. That would be like nVidia not having Windows 7 compatible drivers for their

I'd say 23" is about as big as you can go while getting away with FHD (1920x1080).

If MS were learning from Apple, they'd be charging for Service Packs. So, I sincerely hope not.