Jordaan Mylonas

Yeah... I think starving people in Africa is one of those problems that can't be solved by just throwing money at it.

Yeah, I mean, just look at it. Same 7" size, same 16:9 aspect ratio, same Android operating system, same Tegra 3 SoC, same stippled grippy back material, same HDMI out port. It's like they're not even trying to hide that they cloned the iPad.

And whenever you had no network, or a slow network connection, or were on a plane, you'd have little more than an expensive brick.

no, that's not how it works. Apps on WinRT are compiled into CIL, a psuedo-assembly language that is on the fly compiled into bytecode the first time it is run on a system. That makes it platform independent. So long as the host platform has CIL compilation (which both WinRT and Win8 do), then it can run the app.

Compatible in what way?

Surface RT will release alongside Windows 8 (so, October-ish) and will be priced to compete with comparable tablets (think iPad pricing), ~$600-$800, I'd say

or, just use your hand as a cup.

So, what, Gizmodo just rags on and publicly humiliates ordinary, unsuspecting people now?

There is a big difference, buddy.

Someone's been stalking Stack Exchange

I think I remember being able to do that in the developer preview. Drag the app from one monitor's taskbar to the other, and the window moved to that monitor.


With the developer preview, I was able to run League of Legends, Skyrim, TF2 and Gotham City Imposters with no problems.

"heros" => "heroes"

Fortunately, MS's business model means they get most of their profits from software and services. They get very little from handsets (relative to Apple's profit per handset), and so the incentive to 'force' users to upgrade hardware isn't there.

x64 isn't the proper name, it's a shorthand way of saying x86-64.

Things in 8 you might enjoy as a power desktop user:

"Similarly, if you are starting a company and it is not a Pinterest clone, I feel bad for you son"

Fred is a proper noun, and thus is not valid! /ScrabbleRage