Jordaan Mylonas

Males fap. Females schlick. Get your terminology correct, Gizmodo.

Man, what about Google Go! (yes, the language includes the exclamation mark)?

Java is to Javascript as Ham is to Hamster

5'9" male, average size hands. I can do laps around the edge of my Dell Venue Pro's 4.1" screen with my thumb. The content of this article is BS.

I believe the word is "shuddered"

Then don't. Just don't buy it. If none of the features seem amazing, just buy a cheap iPhone 4 from someone who got the iPhone 4S, or hold out 12months and get Apple's next shiny. Nobody is forcing you to buy this stuff, and by buying it you're sending Apple the message that you're okay with mediocrity, which means

Cheers for the polite answer, mate

Cheers for the polite answer, mate

So, in what ways does this improve over just having a Siri app?

Congratulations, that's a big achievement!

Honestly, IE9 (and IE10 in the Win8 Developer Preview) are great browsers, especially for media heavy pages. I just wish they'd move the tab bar and address bars to separate lines...

I thought you got killed in a car crash in 1956? What are you doing on Gizmodo?

*were / eerw

Really? In Australia, doctors are considered are considered to be overworked.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the deal with science that nothing can be proven, only disproven? And that all 'proven' hypotheses are just in a position where every competing hypothesis has been disproven whilst they have yet to be disproven?

if you're going to make an object that moves itself, make it longer and wider than it is tall. That's just common sense.

typo: Windows Steam Blog (should be Team)

typo: 'to', not 'too', in that last paragraph.

Wasn't the whole divinity aspect of Jesus added by Constantine of Rome to unite his fellow Romans and prevent bickering about their various pagan gods?

"He's older than most people. But younger than some buildings" - Chandler Bing