Jordaan Mylonas

I actually like that 4chan has repurposed the word "fag" to apply to anyone of a demographic (e.g. people from Australia are Ausfags, people who like cooking are kitchenfags, people who play games are gamerfags). It takes a bad word and makes it better. Jude would be proud.

Yes, because non-haptic touchscreens are much more suitable for the blind than physical buttons.

I just said the exact same thing over on that other tech blog. QuickFlix (QwikFlix) is a much better name, as it's more cohesive.

1. No alcohol, no drugs, no painkillers; no hypocrisy. But I do agree the the majority of people who are anti drugs yet are okay with alcohol/tobacco are massive hypocrites.

minor type, Shazam is the song-recognition software, not Shazzam.

Hey Brian. First off, in hindsight, my comment came off way more aggressively than I intended. So, I apologise for that.

Gizmodo, I'm going to share with you a keyboard shortcut that you might find useful. F7. Hit that in MS Word, it brings up spellcheck. You're one of the biggest 'news' sites on the internet, how about you edit your articles?

I know there is a Gauss (Gaussian Blur, Gauss Cannon) pun in here somewhere, I just can't word it right.

Ask your local GP how many hospitalisations each year are due to the effects of alcohol, both long and short term. Here in Australia, it's generally reported to be between 25 and 33% of ALL hospitalisations.

If we always legalised what the majority felt was right, then we'd still be slave owners, since at the time it was contended, the majority of people were for it. The majority liking something does not make it right.

you DON'T play Photoshop at your LAN parties??

So your solution to crime is to legalise crime?

It's like all of the peripheral manufacturers banded together and decided to prank Apple by not releasing anything until Windows computers had thunderbolt

Tolkien WAS a terrible writer. Too long winded. He was a great world builder, but honestly, 100pages of walking through an inconsequential farm (first lord of the rings book) is not good writing. Hobbit was well written though.

With the exception of dragging an icon to start a new process, this is exactly how WP7 Mango does it. Works well. Doubtless it'll be touted in iOS6 as revolutionary.

Immature jokes, gratuitous and needless use of the f-bomb, and mentioning Apple products for the sake of mentioning Apple products. Yup, it's a Jesus Diaz article.

And the Gizmodo "Wait, What?" strikes again

So instead of having a stolen bike, you have a pile of scrap metal? much better.

I don't wanna be *that guy*, but this needs to be said:

Windows 8 runs on essentially the same kernel code as Vista and Windows 7, but with a few massive overhauls.