Jordaan Mylonas

You should've seen the guy with the Dell Streak...

Can you hear me now? There might be a bit of an echo

Notice how I never stated WHEN I was in highschool? You make this grand assumption that I'm some child whose never had problems in his life. You don't know, you don't any indicators, so don't make assumptions.

There are reports to show chocolate, wine, beer, opium, cocaine and tobacco are good for you. There are reports to show they are bad for you. A study can find anything it sets out to find. All that matters are what happens to people at the end of the day.

For the most part, drugs are drugs. The same issues I have with pot, alcohol and tobacco I have with most pharmaceuticals.

XP is a decade old. I hardly find it reasonable to make a modern judgement based on an ancient OS. I know it still has ~36% marketshare, but that will mostly be business not wanting to upgrade, not home users.

This just in: Stoners able to ignore all negative aspects of pot.

It is the job of programmers to create more and more idiot proof software. It is the job of the universe to create more and more idiots. So far, the universe is winning.

People wearing skinny jeans might have trouble getting these into their pockets. That's about it.

HP make 10% profit on their PCs. they make ungodly amounts on every other device they sell (oh man, printer ink). They've just decided that it's not worth their time to do PC hardware anymore. It's a reasonable decision, and not what i'd consider an act of desperation.

There are a lot of things I've heard people compliment Steve on. Personality has never been one of them. This story seems to conflict with a LOT of other stories.

Wrong on two counts.

Sir, I want to have your babies. Whatever science is necessary for that to happen, I'm down for.

At the risk of sounding snarky, I cannot think of a reason for this article to exist, other than being an opportunity for Gizmodo to act high and mighty.


The point he's making is that, if you follow this article's logic, any product which is not different in EVERY regard has no right to exist.

*a study.

An study (reported here on Gizmodo) found that 90% of iPad and iPad2 users use it ENTIRELY for web browsing and movies.

What Apple deserves credit for is realising that there's a significant market of people who just want a media consumption device. They don't want productivity on the go. They just want to watch movies, look at pictures, browse the web and occasionally play a basic game.

In Australia, root means to "have sex with".