Jordaan Mylonas

Gizmodo, I get that you just post whatever you feel is the best comment bait, but seriously, would a bit of journalistic integrity kill you? All of this minor rumours stuff is just fluff.

Talk about Stockholm Syndrome...

And the Gizmodo "Wait, What?" strikes again

Really? Our scoutmaster made us close our eyes and drink it from a straw...

"Yes, but those grocery bags are full of human heads"

Why is Thor making Dreamworks face?

unfortunately, I believe Cintiq tablets use a resistive touch surface, to enable pressure sensitivity and greater accuracy. The flipside is that they cannot perform multitouch detection.

HTC will launch 7 new phones next month.

The reason iPhones were successful was because they got there first, and they advertised cleverly. The reason the iPad was successful was because it got there first, and they advertised it cleverly. They've remained strong because developers go where the market is, which has kept iOS with a large app count.

you're advertising the option donation-based Gauge Battery as being on special??? "Whoo, i get to optionally donate less!!!"

If they're smart, MS will use this to their advantage and KILL OFF THE REGISTRY. Seriously, we don't need it. Get rid of it.

The difference being, when Microsoft did it, they got sued out the arse and had the EU on its back. When Apple does it, they get applauded as 'innovators'

What has this got to do with anything that Gizmodo is about? I could understand the other side-issue articles lately, like the "Man jumps from world's tallest building" stuff, but this?

@Les Mikesell: Except that the argument here is that they didn't reimplement an existing technique, they wholesale copypasta'd it. IF that turns out to be true, which I hope it doesn't, then that is very wrong and deserves to be punished.

True Nerds don't use iPhones. Not since the great Nerd King declared a jihad on Apple.

Don't you think that article was a bit insensitive to all of the people reading it who might have polio??... Wait a minute...

@kevin71481: Ease of use my ass. I work at an electronics ratailer, and if I had a dollar for every time I've had to spent 20+ minutes explaining to people how to use their iphone, I'd be able to afford a Mac (not that I'd ever buy one).

I opened this article thinking this guy was trying to speed up the development of fossil fuels. Nope. He just wants to petrify people.

@jdale: Umm... the Apple iPhone is made in some Chinese factory (Foxconn) where workers are being abused...