
I say aim for an insanity defense.

I’m just glad the Democrats are being proactive about the Silly Fanatic instead of waiting until she goes all in in her representation of the lunatic fringe.

Not only can’t read the room; dumbass can’t read the world.

Great idea; but let’s not limited this to kids.

It isn’t about Socialism; it’s about anybody but chalkasians having it or prospering from it, even to the point where they’d accept struggling as long as “those others” are struggling more.

Standing O.


I respectfully disagree; the NFL is made up of thousands of players; the largest percentage of whom are model citizens, far out numbering those with negative issues (but, we’ll hear about them more). In my opinion, it really isn’t fair to lump the entirety in with the group of miscreants.

This runner-up for the Michael Rappaport look alike contest needs to get somewhere! When that ass was under siege, he was singing an entirely different tune; just like the rest of his misbegotten shitbags from the Greedy Ol’ Party.

That would have made an awesome Dr. Seuss title. Plus, you’ve already started the story out strong.


His former puppeteer and the puppeteer’s son in law own slums rental properties; so, he has options.

It’s a start.

The grift that keeps on giving.

The simplest formula for figuring out Trump’s lies is, “if he’s talking, he’s lying.”

Is this some kind ofI shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy” defense?

Honestly, I’m not crazy about it as clothing; but, if you were to frame, and/or shadow box, or place some of it on pedestals or in display cases, it’ll make for a compelling art installation. 

It is. Trump has always been a mixture of Zapp Branigan, Eric Cartman, Michael Scott, and a Z-list Bond villain.

Also, stop donating your not so hard earned money to people who give (is there a number less than zero) let’s just go with fucks about you.

Trump should be extradited to The Hague for his (mis)handling of the Corona pandemic.