
Ah, America. The country of many fat people trying to make a profit sueing other fat people, including their families. The country where violence and gore is okay, but boobs are bad. The country where the inhabitants need written instructions for things like "do not iron clothes while worn on (fat) body" or "do not

He should have ended up in Hell, Norway near Trondheim. Also a really small town and The Lord of Hell would have scared the living daylights out of the peasants living there. Also relevant because Norway = Metal!

Racist might not be the correct term, but I also reacted tothat part.

Even though Gemini-Phoenix has a valid point, you win.

Iirc the world probably runs out of Hafnium by 2017 and Terbium during 2012 (google it) so we can't make computerchips the way we do today so I won't hold my breath, but I won't go all doomsday either:

- bought an Amiga 500, of course I knew everything about it since a friends owned one. First thing I did was insert the diskette the wrong way jamming it up inside the drive..

Future wars anyone? Yes I'm that old. Anyways - good game with a good plot. Will most certainly look into The Silent Age.

Camo-gangsta and vid creator is noob. Really noob.

I'll just retype my comment from the Evony-article earlier today as it's short and totally relevant:

Look at all the hype surrounding Diablo 3.

Handling looks way off, all arcadey and unable to weer off track. I don't know if RWB's have 4 wheel drive and autopilot to help you staying on the road when powersliding and you can't slide like that with a RWD by just tapping the brake - but it sure looks like it here - and I can also see the rubberbandeffect. The

First rule of marketing:

Yeah, I thought the same thing. In Japan girls most obviously never cheat..

I can already predict this game:

Welcome - I look forward to read more of your stuff.

Thanks mate.

I'm going for a wheel also. Not sure which one but probably some mid-range to steer away from the really bad ones (literally speaking).

Holy crap that made me dizzy!! Can't wait to try the game out myself!!!!!!!

I'm gonna buy this season pass. I am also gonna buy Forza 4 on release. And I am also gonna buy an Xbox 360 and maybe a Kinect with it.

This EULA was written to prevent a few greedy slobs enriching themselves at the expense of many others. Good move by Sony and the people that starts hating on Sony because of this are also supporting a legal system where it's allright to sue everyone and their neighbour for easy cash.