
It came as a big surprise to me that US citizens had this low average.

I see Norway, weehoo. I have a typical Norwegian broadband account. The best I can buy is 200/10 and would cost me USD 419,- each month. Which is why I don't have 200/10.

Thanks for feedback guys.

Can someone please explain to me why you cannot play this game until a certain time/date? All i see in the comments below are posts about cats, stick figures and facepalms.

True that, dude, well said.

Wow. This is just sad..

Oooooooh finally Lamborghinis and BMW's!!! Wait, what? It's an EA-game, AND it's need for speed? Nevermind - I need more than a kids game.. When's Forza 4 out?

The only reason they did this was to get some PR in the aftermath of a tragedy. "Hey, look at us. We care! Buy our products."

A lot of his manifest was copied from that of the Unabomber, Theodore Cwzhwhbsa-something.. He changed some words and stated it as his own work at As a lot of witnesses has stated here in Norway this evening: Dressed as a policeofficer he called 15-20 kids to him stating they would be safe from the

This just in:

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Sorry to say, I wouldn't piss on this game even if it was on fire. If this game was the last woman on earth I would date an animal.

Sorry I mislead you. I pre-order at a store, pick up the game and then grab the code for the content already on the disc and then return the game because it was unsiutable for my daughter or w/e.

That's not my problem. As developers more and more swear to purchasable onlinepasses, taking things out of games to sell them as pre-order/DLC/bonuses etc I don't see a problem with what I do. When I buy a pre-ordered game I almost expect things to be in disorder, nowadays even ingame content and online funcionality.

Cant speak for all countries of course, but at my store all I need is a receipt and I can demand a refund within 30 days of purchase.

@PapaBear434: Oh the horror. This will be the day I stop gaming. There's a reason I don't play Facebook games or "free" games on app store..

I always fight the pre-order system:

@DocSeuss: Couldn't agree more. Thank you and keep'em coming :)

@essper: Gems like your post should be printed, laminated, framed and stored up there with the crown jewels and the Holy grail. Well said and I couldn't agree more with you.

Optional subtitles are fine by me, so if you don't want them you can turn them off.