
Word is he will be back in time for ESPN Samsonite Baseball

Oh, is it being held in Dodger Stadium?

That Pathfinder didn’t stand a chance against these rogue trailblazing explorers. It couldn’t even envision an escape from their renegade quest for liberty.

Putting one’s foot in one’s mouth is particularly painful when Spurs are involved.

How else can we expect Spurs fans to find the silverware?

If there’s one thing you can say about this guy, it’s that he plays with Seoul. If there’s a second thing, it’s that if he gets an Incheon a defender, he’s unstoppable. And if there’s a third, it’s that there’s the chance of something special happening every time he puts his Busan.

And now I’ve taken all the puns.

As a Mets fan, I never believed he would be in the majors and supporting the team, but if he can get injured in a stupid way after only a few games, he’s clearly got what it takes to be a Met.

This is in poor taste after the Bud Harrelson story.

Police left after discovering that “burglary” is just what Gronkowski calls a cookout.

That’s a pretty good point, but again, you could describe a board game in the same way (regarding positions). Finding small overlaps between any two random activities is pretty easy.

Both are real-time reflex and skill based competitions in which strategy, teamwork and individual skill all meet to see which team can accomplish an arbitrary goal within an arbitary set of rules more completely within an arbitrary time limit.

When my grandson comes home from school, I usually greet him with, “Hey, buddy. How you doing? Did you learn anything interesting today?” But he’s 5 and so everything at school is still interesting to him, and he’s glad somebody wants to know. I know it’ll pass but I’m enjoying it while it lasts.

This is correct. You are a smart baseball person.

To be clear I’m pro-Edgar for the HOF but I’m a little thrown that he’s the guy everyone wants to go to the mattresses over. His case is good, sure, but it’s not like he’s got a 100 career WAR and is up there with the Rickey Hendersons and Cal Ripkens. His career 68.3 bWAR puts him above some guys in the hall but with

To claim that this makes sense because the mere idea of defense is too important is to claim that a poor defender who actively hurt his team in the field is inherently more valuable than any equivalent player who helped his team by not having the chance to doing so.

I recently chose an EPL team to call my own after a couple of years flirting with the sport. Feeling pretty good about choosing Man U over Arsenal.

New NPS guidelines consider deforesting to be a sign of respect to trees, even though they’re native to the area.

We eyeballed the spot, we eyeballed the chains, break out the micrometer!

. . . domestic-related assault and prevention of a 911 call . . .

Right on man. I’m a USMA grad and I read that NYTimes report last year about cadet boxing with horror and astonishment. Not because of the classes, but because the article stated that cadets’ parents were actually calling the Supe and complaining that their precious son or daughter shouldn’t have to partake in such a